Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I start a student organization on campus?
- Does the Student Activities office provide funding for student organizations and their events?
- How do Recognized Student Organizations reserve meeting space in Elrod Commons?
- How do I reserve space for an event at the Village Pavilion, Cannan Green, Liberty Hall Ruins, or the Dell?
- How do Recognized Student Organizations reserve a table in Elrod Commons?
- How do I find more information about a club or organization on campus?
- How do I find about trips, speakers and other experiences offered through the Outing Club?
- How do Recognized Student Organizations request a swipe machine?
- Can I hang a banner or poster/flyer in Elrod Commons?
- How can my student organization host a band/speaker on campus?
Q: How do I start a student organization on campus?
A: Please visit Start a Club for information about how to register your organization with the Office of Student Activities, request funding from the Executive Committee, and register for the Campus Activities Fair at the beginning of the academic year. For more information, please contact studentactivities@wlu.edu.
Q: Does the Student Activities office provide funding for student organizations and their events?
A: Absolutely! The Student Activities office regularly co-sponsors events with other W&L offices and student organizations. Please visit Co-Sponsoring an Event with Student Activities for more information. Additionally, please contact studentactivities@wlu.edu to request funding.
Q: How do Recognized Student Organizations reserve space in Elrod Commons or elsewhere on campus?
A: Please visit the 25 Live to reserve a room in Elrod Commons. If you have questions about the reservation process, check the ITS webpage on 25Live. If you have additional questions, please contact the main Student Affairs Office at 540-458-8754 or studentactivities@wlu.edu.
Q: How do I reserve space for an event at the Village Pavilion, Cannan Green, Liberty Hall Ruins, the Dell, or other outdoor spaces on campus?
A: Most outdoor spaces can be reserved through 25Live. As you are planning your event, please be sure to review the University's Facilities Use Policy and allow time for requests for space to be processed. If necessary, please submit the Event Registration Form. Requirements for submitting an Event Registration Form can be found in the University's Facilities Use Policy. If you have questions, please contact studentactivities@wlu.edu or 540-458-8754.
Q: How do Registered Student Organizations reserve a table in Elrod Commons?
A: Please contact the main Student Affairs office at 540-458-8754 or studentactivities@wlu.edu to reserve space inside or outside the Elrod Commons Atrium. Recognized Student Organizations may also table outdoors when the weather is conducive by contacting the Office of Student Activities at studentactivities@wlu.edu. Only student organizations recognized by the Office of Student Activities are eligible to table in Elrod Commons. Please contact studentactivities@wlu.edu to request special permission to table outside of these parameters.
Q: How do I find more information about a club or organization on campus?
A: Be sure to check out the Activities Fair during the fall semester to meet representatives from student organizations on campus. If you missed the fair, please feel free to email us at studentactivities@wlu.edu to request information about groups. You can also browse the list of clubs on our website including social media accounts, and reach out to the contact listed to find information about upcoming events and meetings.
Q: How do I find about trips, speakers and other experiences offered through the Outing Club?
A: Sign up for membership on the Outing Club website and instantly get on the email list for all the great activities planned through this office. You can also check out the Outing Club's Facebook page or contact James Dick at jdick@wlu.edu to find out about upcoming trips that might interest you. Following @wlustudentactivities on Instagram is a great start!
Q: How do I request a swipe machine?
A: Please visit the Business Office to request swipe machine. Please note: there are a limited number of swipe machines and are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. Swipe machines must be picked up and returned to the Business Office each day that they are reserved.
Q: Can I hang a banner or poster/flyer in Elrod Commons?
A: Banners are not permitted in Elrod Commons. Posters/flyers should be approved in advance by the Dean of Student Life. The Dean of Student Life and the Division of Student Affairs reserves the right to remove inappropriate posters/flyers, those not associated with Recognized Student Organizations, or which advertise events for which the date has expired. Academic buildings, Leyburn Library, and other spaces on campus may restrict banners/posters/flyers in their own designated areas as determined by department. Please follow these guidelines:
- Posters/flyers in Elrod Commons must include an upcoming event or deadline.
- Posters/flyers may not be posted on doors or windows.
- Posters/flyers may only be posted on designated bulletin boards.
Q: How can my student organization host a band/speaker/performer on campus?
A: Student organizations are allowed to pay performance and speaking fees from their accounts; however, contracts must be approved and signed by the Vice President for Student Affairs on behalf of the University. The Office of Student Activities works with General Counsel to review and prepare contracts. For more information about the contract approval process and Guidelines for Political Speakers, please visit General Counsel. Please contact studentactivities@wlu.edu before signing a contract or documentation related to payment of an artist or speaker.