Legal Notices
This page includes legal notices along with summaries and links to important university policies, although it is not intended to be comprehensive. A more comprehensive list of Washington and Lee University Policies is available in our online Code of Policies at: go.wlu.edu/policies
- Nondiscrimination / Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
- Statement of Ethical Principles
- Copyright and Intellectual Property
- Disability Accommodation
- Whistleblower
- Consumer Information Disclosures
- Campus Security and Crime Awareness Report
- Legal Disclaimer
1. Nondiscrimination / Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all other applicable non-discrimination laws, Washington and Lee University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran's status, or genetic information in its educational programs and activities, admissions, and with regard to employment.
For more information, see:
- Non-Discrimination / Equal Opportunity Statement
- Title IX at Washington and Lee University
- Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy
- Sexual Discrimination and Misconduct Policy
2. Statement of Ethical Principles
The ethical principles of Washington and Lee University derive from one of the two fundamental objectives of the University, as set forth in its expanded Mission Statement:
" . . .to pursue its educational mission in a climate of learning that stresses the importance of the individual, personal honor and integrity, harmonious relationships with others, and the responsibility to serve society through the productive use of talent and training."
Faculty and staff employees of the University are expected to commit themselves to these fundamental institutional objectives and to uphold the highest ethical standards while acting on behalf of Washington and Lee University in discharging its business and academic affairs.
For more information, see:
- Statement of Ethical Principals
- Code of Policies (Ethics and Conflicts of Interest)
3. Copyright and Intellectual Property
All graphics, photographs and text appearing on the Washington and Lee University website are protected by copyright. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. Use of university names, logos and other marks is subject to restrictions set forth in Section 5 of the university's intellectual property policy.
For more information on copyright and other intellectual property at Washington and Lee University, see:
- Policy for the Use of Copyrighted Works
- Copyright Complaints (DMCA Designated Agent)
- Intellectual Property Policy
4. Disability Accommodation
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Washington and Lee University is committed to providing: i) equal access to educational to qualified students with physical or mental disabilities; and ii) reasonable accommodations to qualified employees.
For more information, see:
- Employee Disability Accommodation Policy
- Law Student Disability Accommodation Policy
- Undergraduate Student Disability Accommodation Policy
- Policy for Use of Service Animals on Campus
5. Whistleblower
Washington and Lee University's Board of Trustees has established a Whistleblower Policy for members of the W&L community to report fraudulent or dishonest conduct and/or violations of law.
For more information, see:
6. Consumer Information Disclosures
Washington and Lee University maintains a web-based "portal" for Consumer Information Disclosures required by various laws and regulations. This information covers a broad range of topics, including academic policies, student financial assistance, health and safety reports and policies, and measurements of student graduation and job placement rates.
For more information, see: Consumer Information Portal
7. Campus Security and Crime Awareness Report
This information is presented in accordance with the required reporting under the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 and the applicable Higher Education Amendments, including the Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 1998, as amended, as well as the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, as amended.
For more information, see: Campus Security and Crime Awareness Report
8. Legal Disclaimer
Information on Washington and Lee University's web pages is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement. In no event will Washington and Lee University be liable for damages of any kind, including without limitation any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, even if Washington and Lee University has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Although every effort is made to ensure the correctness of information submitted for publication of Washington and Lee University web pages, this website may inadvertently contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. Washington and Lee University also reserves the right to make changes to the programs and policies described on its website at any time without notice. Washington and Lee University assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions on its website or in documents that are referenced by or linked to this website.
Responsibility for the content of personal home pages resides solely with the author(s). The views and opinions expressed on student and faculty personal pages are strictly the views and opinions of the authors and do not constitute the official sanction of Washington and Lee University. Washington and Lee University will not impose any restraints on, nor make any effort to monitor the content of, communications other than those imposed by applicable Federal, State, or local laws, including laws regarding the right to privacy and laws which prohibit defamatory material. Washington and Lee University accepts no responsibility for the content of personal web pages.
Use of the Washington and Lee University website is governed by the university's web privacy policy.
(This disclaimer is substantially based on a disclaimer from the University of Delaware and is used with permission.)