Title IX Training Materials
34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) requires all training materials used by Washington and Lee for Title IX compliance be made available for review. The following reflects online or in-person training the Title IX Coordinator, Title IX decision-makers, Title IX investigators, and all who implement informal resolution processes have participated in.
Below only includes the training conducted after August 14, 2020.
Investigators, Decision Makers, and Informal Facilitators
- HSMB Training Materials
- HSMB Training - Powerpoint
- IRO Training - Powerpoint
- HSMB Investigator Training - Powerpoint
- HSMB Training - Powerpoint
- Informal Facilitator Training - Powerpoint
- HSMB Training - Powerpoint
- HSMB Investigator and Informal Facilitator Training - Powerpoint
Title IX Coordinator
- Department of Education | Office of Civil Rights Informational & Training Videos
- Level 2: Higher Education Title IX Investigator Training - Powerpoint & Material
- Title IX Investigations & Informal Resolutions
- Title IX Hearings
- Forensically Defensible Investigations - Powerpoint
- Informal Resolution Training
- Title IX Coordinator One: Foundations
- Evolving Practices: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Stalking on College Campuses"
- The Psychology of a Title IX Dispute and the Importance of Empathy in the Path to a Successful Resolution
- The Title IX Evolution: Navigating the Expanded Terrain
- Hostile Environment Basics - Materials