Workday is a cloud-based provider of human capital management, financial management, business planning and student information software designed to modernize the way we deliver key business services to our community.
Budget vs. Actuals Summary Reports
New reports are available for budget managers and their delegates to view their budgets and monitor spend activity. These reports are available from the W&L Budget vs Actuals worklet on the Workday Homepage, under the Summary Reports tab. The current reports are still available in the Detailed Reports tab as before. Please refer to the following guide for instructions on how to access and use these new Summary reports.
Workday Quick Tips Page
Get easy-to-find answers to common Workday questions on the new Workday Quick Tips page.
Mapping Colleague Accounts to Workday
- Tools are available to identify the Workday accounts used on supplier invoice requests, expense reports and other Workday financial transactions. You can identify the account to use by mapping from the previous object and account used in Colleague. Reference guides include Object to Spend Category mapping and legacy 10/11/92 fund accounts to Workday Cost Centers, Programs, Gifts, Grants, Projects.
- MyAccounts has a new feature that allows you to see the Workday account equivalents. Navigate to MyAccounts and select whether the "Show" or "Hide" the Workday equivalent. MyAccounts should be the primary source for legacy 12 fund accounts.
Training Resources
Workday Basics
- Modify Personal Information
- Use Tools & Navigate Workday
- Use Your Inbox
- Getting Started for Employees (Video)
- Comparison Chart - Old Way Vs. New Way
Mobile App Setup
- Getting Started for Mobile (Video)
- Installing the Workday Mobile App
- Uninstall the Workday Mobile App
- Making Sure Your Mobile Application is Set-Up Correctly
Finance / Business Office
Expenses and Spend Authorizations
- Expenses Hub Overview
- Create Expense Report
- Create Spend Authorization
- Delegate Expense Reports and Spend Authorizations
- Acting as a Delegate for Creating Expense Reports or Spend Authorizations
- Sustainability Mileage Capture
Procurement and Accounts Payable
- Budget vs. Actuals Summary Reports
- Create Supplier Request
- Create Requisition
- Create Supplier Invoice Request
- WLU Amazon Business FAQ
- WLU Amazon Business Workday Punchout User Guide
- Amazon Quick Reference Guide
General Finance
- Create Account Adjustment or Transfer Journal
- Review and Approve Spend Transactions for Managers
- Foundation Data Model (Chart of Accounts)
- Business Office Account Reference Guides
- Tax Withholding, Direct Deposit and Payslips
- Change W-4 Withholding Elections
- Gifts to the University by Payroll Deduction
- Update W-2 Printing Elections
Capital Projects
- How to Create an Opportunity Project
- How to Review and Submit an Opportunity Project
- Opportunity Project FAQs
Human Resources / HCM (Human Capital Management)
- Job Application Overview – W&L Employees
- Job Application Overview – External Candidates
- The Recruiting Navigation Toolbar
- Recruiting Overview for Hiring Managers
- Create Job Requisition – Staff/Administrator Job
- Hire a Student Using Departmental Funds - Academic Year
- Hire a Student Using Departmental Funds - UG Summer
- Hire a Student Using Departmental Funds - Law Summer
- Referrals, Candidate Pools, and Inbox Filters
Time Entry and Time Off
- Manage Your Time Off
- How to Enter Time Worked
- How to Enter Time Worked - Dining Services
- How to Enter Time Worked - Student
- How to Enter Time Worked Traveller - Student
- How to Enter Time Worked in Time Tracking - Summer Students
Performance Management
- Manage Team's Absences
- Manage Your Team's Time - Public Safety
- Manage Your Team's Time - Dining Services
- Manage Your Team's Time - Non-Dining
- Manage Team Compensation
- Manage Period Activity Pay
- Compensation Review
Reporting a Safety Incident
Zoom Video Recordings
Workday Mobile
Human Resources / HCM
- Employment Processes for Managers
- Requesting Time Off for Exempt Employees (CTO-SLR)
- Managing Your Benefits
- Reporting Safety Incidents
- Entering Time Worked and Requesting Time Off - Non Exempt (CTO-SLR)
- Navigating Workday for Managers
- Performance Planning - Goal Setting
- Create a Job Requisition
- Recruiting Overview for Hiring Managers
Finance / Business Office
- Account Adjustments & Transfers
- Purchase Requisition Training
- Expense Reports & Spend Authorizations
- Financial Transaction Approval for Managers
- Purchases - Supplier Invoices (Non-Purchase Order)
- Budget vs. Actual Reporting
- Workday FDM (Chart of Accounts)
- Top 5 Financial Reports
- Amazon Business Buyer Training
Navigation and Glossary of Terms
Absence / Time Off
An application linking you to common actions and views related to time off, including time off correction, leave of absence, view your time off, and time off balance.
An application linking you to common actions and views related to benefits, including change benefits, beneficiaries, and dependents. View your benefit elections and current benefits cost.
An application linking you to common actions and views related to your career, including refer candidates and view your certifications, education, languages, job history, and awards.
An application linking you to common actions and views related to compensation including comparing a direct report's pay and salary range to others on the team.
An application containing key management reports and actions.
An application linking you to information about other workers in the company. You can also view your organizational chart, your management chain, and organizations to which you belong.
An application linking you to common actions and views related to expenses, including creating and editing expense reports and viewing expense policies, reports, transactions, payment elections, and recent expenses.
An application containing favorite reports and tasks for easy access. You can add actions (cost centers, employees, organizations) that you access frequently to the Favorites worklet on the Workday home screen.
An application linking you to common actions and views related to your pay. You can use this application to access withholding elections and payment elections and to view payslips, total compensation, bonus, and tax documents.
An application linking you to common actions and views related to performance, including viewing goals, reviews, feedback received, and skills.
Personal Information
An application linking you to common actions and views related to your personal information, including changing your contact and personal information, emergency contacts, photo, legal name, and preferred name.
Time Off
Easily request vacation and personal days.
Essential Terms
A compact report displayed as an icon on your Home page, providing easy access to tasks and information you use on a regular basis.Applications include Pay, Personal Information, Benefits, and Expenses.
Business Object
Objects used to store data in Workday (such as organizations or workers). A business object has fields and instances, which are analogous to rows and columns in a spreadsheet.
Business Process
The set of tasks that need to be completed for an event to occur, the order in which they must be done, and who must do them.
Cancel (Business Process)
Canceling a business process stops the workflow in progress and reverses changes made to data. You can't cancel a completed business process; you must rescind it.
A specialized landing page containing a set of pre-configured worklets for a functional area that you can copy or modify. You can add additional custom worklets to dashboards using the report writer.
A business process transaction that occurs within your organization, such as hiring or terminating an employee.
A clickable icon used to narrow down data. Clicking this icon will create a row on your report where you filter data to display from one or more columns.
A group of people with specific responsibilities and permissions. When a business process runs, the role for each step includes all of the workers in that role in the business process target organization.
A named attribute that you can assign to events and objects to indicate their business purpose. For example, you can create a Customer worktag, whose values are the names of your customers. You can use the worktag to assign a customer to an expense in an expense report or a product sales event.