Workday Quick Tips

1. How do I view my salary increase letter on my smartphone?

  • Open an internet browser on your phone
  • Navigate to
  • Log in with your wlu credentials
  • Click the Workday tile
  • Click on the Announcement and the blue Compensation Review Statement button to open your letter

Please note that the Workday mobile app cannot be used to open the salary increase letter. You must use a browser to access this information from your smartphone.

2. How do I update my home email address?

  • Click "View All Apps" under Quick Tasks.
  • Click the "Personal Information" App.
  • Click "Email Addresses" in the View column to see the email addresses you have set up for both Home and Work.
  • To change the Home Contact email address, click the "Edit" drop down and select "Change My Home Contact Information".
  • In the Email section, click the pencil icon, then update the "Email Address" field.
  • IMPORTANT: Click the check-mark icon to save.
  • When finished, click the orange "Submit" button at the bottom.

3. How do I change my retirement contribution?

1. Click on the Benefits and Pay App
2. On the Overview screen, click on the Change Benefits button
3. For the Change Reason in the dropdown choose Retirement Savings Change and whichever is applicable to you: Fidelity Pre-Tax, Fidelity ROTH Post-Tax, TIAA Pre-Tax, or TIAA ROTH Post-Tax
4. Enter the Benefit Event Date (date you want this to be effective) and click Submit
5. Click Open to start the task (it is also saved in your Workday Inbox if you accidentally closed this window out)
6. Click the Manage or Enroll Link in the applicable box on your screen that you want to update and follow the screens to make the desired changes
7. Click SAVE and then REVIEW AND SIGN
8. On the Summary page, scroll down to click I ACCEPT, and then SUBMIT

4. How do I review and/or update my contact information?

When you have a home or mailing address change, please remember to update your information in Workday. In doing so, most benefit vendors are automatically notified of the change.

1. In Workday, click on the PERSONAL INFORMATION application
3. Review home and work contact information
4. If changes need to be made, click on EDIT (near the top) to select home or work contact information
5. Click on the pencil in the appropriate box to make the necessary change.
6. Click on the Checkmark once you have made your change.
7. Click Submit.

Remember to update the address for your dependents and beneficiaries as well. Start on the primary Workday page, click on the Benefits Application and select the buttons (beneficiaries and/or dependents) to update their address.

While in Workday, you may also want to review other PERSONAL INFORMATION for accuracy.

5. How do I update my location/work space (e.g., building/office number)?

1. Click on your profile picture, then click View Profile
2. Hover your mouse over Position, then click the three dots to the right.
3. Click Position > change my Work Space 

6. How do I review my employees' time off?

1. From the main Workday page, click on MY TEAM MANAGEMENT
2. Click on the employee's name
3. Click on TIME OFF (in the blue panel on the left)
4. Click on TIME OFF AND LEAVE REQUESTS (tab at the top)
5. You can review on the screen or export to excel.

7. How do I delegate tasks?

1. In Workday, click on your picture in the upper right-hand corner, then on View Profile.
2. Click Actions > Business Process > My Delegations >Manage Delegations.
3. Enter the dates you will be away, the person serving as your delegate, and then over to the far-right click the button beside FOR BUSINESS PROCESS.
4. In this box, select the Business Processes you want to delegate to that person. (See Common ones listed further below).

Note that you may select different delegates for different tasks. If so, you'll select the + box near the top right to add additional delegate sections. You can click the button beside RETAIN ACCESS TO DELEGATED TASKS IN INBOX if you also want to retain these tasks in your inbox for later viewing.

5. Click SUBMIT.

The request will come to us for review/approval. You will want to leave instructions for handling delegated tasks for your delegate.

Business Processes you may need to delegate:
ENTER TIME (to approve time entered by non-exempt employees)
REQUEST TIME OFF (to approve time off requests by non-exempt employees)

8. How do I view my job description?

1. Log into Workday.
2. In the search bar at the top, type W&L My Job Description.
3. A copy of your current job description will appear on the screen.

9. How do I view my current benefit elections, beneficiaries, and covered dependents?

1. Click on the Benefits and Pay App
2. Click on the dropdown arrow in the Benefits section located on the left
3. Click on Benefit Elections, Benefits by Date, or Dependents (depending on what items you want to view)

10. How do I view my performance reviews?

1. Click on the Performance App
2. In the View section, click on Reviews
3. Click on the View button or Create New PDF button if you want to convert your review to a PDF

11. How do I Make “All of Workday” my Default Setting?

1. Click on your photo in the upper right corner
3. Click Change Preferences
4. Under the Search Preferences section, change the Workday Search Provider to Classic Workday Search
5. In the Preferred Search Category, choose All of Workday
6. Click OK

Note: you will need to log out and back into Workday before your preferred search category updates

12. How do I Change Life Insurance Beneficiaries?

1. Click on the Benefits App
2. On the Overview screen, click on the Change Benefits button
3. For the Change Reason, choose Beneficiary Change from the dropdown
4. Enter the Benefit Event Date (date you want this to be effective) and click Submit
5. Click Open to start the task (it is also saved in your Workday Inbox if you accidentally closed this window out)
6. Go through the screens to change your beneficiaries and/or the percentages (within this event you will have the option to click to add a new beneficiary name)
7. Click SAVE and then REVIEW AND SIGN
8. On the Summary page, scroll down to click I ACCEPT, and then SUBMIT

13. How does the automatic transfer from CTO to SLR work?

To ensure employees who are at or near their CTO maximum continue to earn CTO each pay period, Workday automatically transfers hours from the CTO plan to the SLR plan when necessary, provided the SLR plan is not at its maximum accrual of 60 days.

Because both biweekly paid and monthly paid employees participate in the CTO plan, the automatic transfer occurs the first day of each bi-weekly pay period when employees are within these limits:

  • For 35 hour/week employees, the transfer occurs when your CTO balance is in excess of 295 hours
  • For 40 hour/week employees, the transfer occurs when your CTO balance is in excess of 340 hours

To view your balances in Workday, click on the Absence application > View Absence Balance > OK, and note the balance in the Ending Period Balance column.

14. How do I update my federal and state tax withholding?

Click on PAY > WITHHOLDING ELECTIONS (under Actions). You will land on the Federal Elections tab > click UPDATE in the federal or state tabs to change your previous elections. Click OK. Make changes > click I AGREE at the bottom of the page > OK.

Repeat these steps to change other tax withholding elections.

Contact Payroll in the Business Office for assistance

15. How do I initiate or change direct deposit information?

Click on PAY > PAYMENT ELECTIONS (under Actions). Follow the prompts. Click here for detailed steps.

Contact Payroll in the Business Office for assistance

16. How do I view Compensation Statements/Salary Increase Letters?

1. Click your photo in the upper right corner to View Profile.
2. Click Actions and scroll down to Compensation.
3. Click on the View Compensation Review Statement History.
4. You may view and print the PDF letter history by year, beginning with 2021.

17. How do I view Documents: Offer Letters, Confidentiality Statements, Unit Head Appointments, etc.?

1. Click your photo in the upper right corner to View Profile.
2. Click Personal.
3. Navigate to the Documents tab.
4. All documents accepted in Workday will be visible. Some uploaded documents will also be available.

18. How do I apply for an open W&L job?

Current W&L employees will apply from their Workday accounts. Do not use the application website.

  • Log in to Workday and search for Open W&L Jobs.
  • Click on the job you are interested in. Click Apply.
  • Update your Job History and Education. Navigate back to the Apply screen.
  • Attach a cover letter and resume (if required) and provide names and contact information for three professional references.
  • Fill out any questionnaires you find on the page. Submit your application.

For more information, see this job aid.

19. How do I end a worker’s additional position? (to be processed by managers)

  • Log into Workday.
  • Search for the applicable employee by typing in their name in the search bar at the top.
  • Once the employee is pulled up, in the blue section on the left, click on Actions -> Job Change -> End Job.
  • From the dropdown, click Additional Jobs and pull up the job (position) that applies to your area (should be a part-time position) and click OK.
  • Enter the end date (the last day this person worked or is working for you) - you can enter a future date for this if needed.
  • Select a Reason from the dropdown - > End Additional Employee Job -> Voluntary -> Other Employment.
  • Leave the rest blank and click Submit.

20. How do I end employment (resignation, retiring, etc.)?

Note: If this is for a benefit eligible employee and you plan to retain/re-hire this employee in a part-time position (or if you know another department is going to hire them), please let HR know before entering the below steps.

  • Pull up the employee in Workday.
  • Click on Actions > Job Change > End Employment Employee.
  • Enter the reason for leaving, either involuntary or voluntary and choose the most accurate reason
  • Enter the date employment will end. The pay through date will auto populate. Please note that an employee's actual last day of work must be the last day actually working for W&L, and cannot be extended by the use of CTO, SLR or a holiday
  • Enter the Eligibility for Rehire as "Yes" or "No" (if No, you must enter comments at the bottom for your reason for entering No)
  • If you plan to refill the position at a later date, leave the position open, and mark it available for overlap. Workday should read Close Position = No. Is this position available for overlap? = Yes
  • If the employee leaving is benefit eligible, you will need to upload the employee's resignation letter and indicate the type of document as "Resignation."
  • Once you click SUBMIT, HR will contact the employee regarding final pay and benefits (if applicable)
  • HR will also send you an email when this task has been processed/approved to remind you of various tasks you will need to complete before their departure.
  • If this is a benefit eligible position and you plan to refill it, click here to begin the recruiting process.

21. How are Workday Profile Pictures Captured?

  • If an employee or student has a photo taken by Communications, and the picture is placed in a specific BOX folder, Workday picks it up. Otherwise Workday displays the photo from the ID card system. Unfortunately there is not a way to request that the photo be removed specifically from Workday at this time.

22. How do I initiate or change a United Way contribution?

1. Click on the Benefits and Pay App
2. On the Overview screen, click on the Change Benefits Button
3. For the Change Reason, choose United Way Donation from the dropdown
4. Enter the Benefit Event Date (date you want this to be effective) and click Submit
5. Click Open to start the task (it is also saved in your Workday Inbox if you accidentally closed this window out)
6. Click Enroll/Manage in the United Way tile
7. Click the Select Button (or click Waive if you want to stop your contribution)
8. Click Confirm and Continue
9. Enter the Per Paycheck Contribution Amount
10. Click SAVE and then REVIEW AND SIGN
11. On the Summary page, scroll down to click I ACCEPT, and then SUBMIT

23. How do I edit and/or display pronouns in my public Workday profile?

1. Log into Workday and click your profile picture. Next click "My Account" then "Change Public Profile Preferences".

Workday screen shot

2. Click the dropdown arrow in the Pronoun section. Select "Show to all" then click "OK".

Workday screen shot

3. Go back to the Workday home screen. Click the Personal Information application. Click "Personal Information" again in the Change column. Scroll to the Pronoun section and click the pencil icon. Click inside the search box and select pronouns from the list. Click the check mark to save, then click "Submit".

Workday screen shot

24. How do I change my Legal and Preferred Names in Workday?

  • From Workday, click on the View All Apps link (towards the right).
  • Click on the Personal Information App.
  • In the Change section, click on the Legal Name button.
  • Update your legal name in the applicable fields.
  • Attach a copy of your new social security card indicating your new name.
  • Click Submit.
  • Your change will be reviewed and approved by HR (you will be contacted if there are any questions).
  • HR will notify ITS so that ITS can work with you to update your W&L credentials (email, login, etc.).
  • Once you have updated your Legal name and received confirmation from ITS that it is changed, use the same steps above to update your Preferred Name (it is important that you complete this step afterwards because the name that pulls in the online directory and Workday is your Preferred Name)

25. How do I change my gender identity?

  • Click on Menu and then click on the Personal Information App
  • In the Change section, click on the Personal Information button
  • Scroll down to the Gender Identity section & click on the pencil icon
  • From the dropdown, choose the applicable Gender Identity
  • Click Submit

26. How do I Add or Remove birthday from my manager’s view?

*Please note, your manager can only see the month and day of your birthday and not the year.

  • In Workday, click on your profile picture at the top right
  • From the dropdown, choose My Account, then choose Change Public Profile Preferences
  • In the Birthday section, change to your applicable preference (Hide from Public Profile or Show to All)
  • Click OK

27. How do I use Model My Pay?

This tool can be used to determine approximate net pay based on hypothetical changes to your salary, tax withholding, and/or retirement contributions.

  • In the Workday search bar, type Model My Pay.
  • Select a Payment Date from the drop down. It’s important to select a previous paycheck that is representative of your normal pay and doesn’t include extra pay or deductions that aren’t typical.
  • Click OK
  • There are 3 uses for this tool. Calculate your approximate net pay based on:
      • Expand the Earnings section if you would like a net pay calculation for a salary change. In the Adjusted Value column (on the right):
        • If there are multiple lines here - type a zero in the Adjusted Value box in all of the lines except for the last one.
        • On the last line, type in the new total gross income amount that you are trying to calculate on
      • Expand the Earnings or Deductions section (for pre-tax deductions) or the Deductions section (for post-tax deductions) if you would like to explore net pay based on increasing your retirement contribution. In the Adjusted Value column (on the right):
        • Type in the dollar amount or % you want to change your retirement contribution(s) to
      • On the bottom of the screen, click on the Adjust Federal Taxes or Adjust State Taxes if you want an estimate of net pay based on a change to your tax withholding.
        • Compete the form with the new desired withholding elections
        • Click Adjust
  • Once you have entered the desired hypothetical changes above, click Model.
  • Your modeled net pay (new) vs. your reference pay (previous) will display.
  • You can click on the Rerun Model My Pay button if you wish to rerun different scenarios.

*If you decide to make changes based on these estimates, go to the Benefits and Pay app to make changes to your retirement contribution.

28. How do I use Name Pronunciation?

  • Go to the Personal Information App
  • Click on Name Pronunciation
  • Under Audio Pronunciation, click on the microphone to record your name pronunciation and then when you are done recording it, click the microphone again to stop recording.
  • Under Phonetic Pronunciation, type in the phonetic spelling of your name*
  • Click Submit

*For more direction on phonetic spelling, Google is a great search tool on how to spell your name phonetically.