Learn About Your Options and Resources
- Medical Care
- Confidential Support
- Supportive Measures
- University Sanctions and Accountability
- Law Enforcement
1. Medical Care
Student Health Center:
Phone: 540-458-8401 Location: 200 Generals Lane
Open 24/7 while school is in session with a registered nurse on duty.
The SHC can help with the following services:
- Emergency contraception
- Contact Project Horizon to provide support and arrange for a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK)
- Connect you with a university counselor for follow up care
- Provide a safe place to stay
- Screen for and test STIs (medical providers only)
The SHC cannot provide the following:
- Conduct an exam as to whether a sexual assault occurred
- Test for whether "date rape drugs" are present
- Collect a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK)
Carilion Rockbridge Hospital:
Phone: 540-458-3300 Location:1 Health Cir. Lexington, VA 24450
Carilion Rockbridge can help with the following services:
- Evaluate/treat for injuries, emergency contraception, or STI screening and treatment
- Collect a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) during certain hours during the week. The SANE nurse is accessed through the Emergency department.
What is a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit?
A Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) is a special medical exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) to collect evidence that may be helpful in a criminal prosecution or investigation of a sexual assault. SANEs have received special training in the identification, collection and documentation of forensic evidence that may be found on a body or clothing.
- You will not have to pay.
- You do not need to file a report with law enforcement to have a PERK. Having the exam gives you the chance to safely store evidence should you decide to report at a later time.
- Evidence is best collected within the first 72 hours of the assault, but an exam can reveal other forms of evidence beyond this time frame that can be useful if you decide to report.
- It is better that you do not shower, eat, drink or change your clothes before evidence is collected. Doing so may degrade the quality of important physical evidence that could be used if you decide to prosecute the assailant. It is natural to want to go through these motions after a traumatic experience. If you have done any of these activities, you can still have an exam performed and evidence may still be collected.
More information about a PERK can be found at RAINN's information page.
2. Confidential Support
Professional Support
These trained professionals can provide counseling, information, and support under legally protected confidentiality.
- University Counseling Center: 540-458-8590 (after hours call the Student Health Center at 540-458-8401)
- Project Horizon: 540-463-2594
- Sexual Misconduct Support (Janet Boller): 540-458-8288
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP): 800-992-1931
- Virginia State Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline (VSDS): 800-838-8238
- National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDV): 800-799-7233
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN): 800-656-4673
3. Supportive Measures
Upon receipt of a report of sexual misconduct, the Title IX Coordinator will work with you to coordinate supportive measures (housing, academic, work, etc).
Requests for supportive measures can be made whether or not you decide to pursue a formal complaint. Supportive measures are non-disciplinary measures offered at no cost that are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the University's education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party.
Some examples of supportive measures are:
- No contact directive (order prohibiting all communication or other interaction)
- Modification of class schedules
- Alternative housing arrangements
- Academic modifications (such as deadline extensions or alternative test dates)
- Changing work schedules or job assignments
- Creating a safety plan or a safety escort
- Assistance in contacting and utilizing University and off-campus resources
To discuss potential supportive measures, make a report.
4. Sanctions and Accountability
Sexual misconduct is fundamentally at odds with the values of W&L. It has no place here. Those found responsible for committing sexual misconduct will face disciplinary sanctions up to and including dismissal and/or termination of employment.
If the Respondent (i.e., the person accused of misconduct) is a student:
The Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board (HSMB), upon a finding that a student has violated University Policy, can impose the following sanctions:
- Dismissal
- Suspension (the HSMB can impose conditions for reinstatement to the University)
- Loss of privileges (will be tailored to the circumstances of the specific case, but can include denial of the right to participate in certain activities or use certain facilities)
- Change in on-campus residence
- Change in academic schedule
- Counseling consultation
- Required education
- Restitution
- Probation
Sanctions for prior cases before the HSMB can be found on the HSMB results page.
Upon agreement by both parties, informal resolution can be pursued instead of an HSMB investigation and hearing. During informal resolution the parties may reach an agreement that may include sanctions agreed to by a respondent.
If the Respondent is an employee or other non-student:
Upon a finding that the employee has violated University Policy the following sanctions may be issued:
- Verbal or written warning;
- referral to the Employee Assistance Program or other mandatory conditions, which may include training, or some other professional development;
- a no contact directive;
- loss of privileges;
- modified employment duties;
- suspension with pay;
- suspension without pay;
- nonrenewal or non-reappointment;
- demotion in rank or pay;
- loss of rank;
- denial of salary increase;
- transfer to another position;
- relocation of office;
- dismissal from academic course if respondent is taking a course at the University;
- termination; and
- trespassing respondent from the University
To pursue the sanctions and accountability process, make a report.
Specific information about the disciplinary process can be found in the Policy and on the FAQ page.
5. Law Enforcement
Many violations of W&L policy are also a crime under Virginia law. You are encouraged to report to local law enforcement. Law enforcement officers have legal authority to seek and execute search warrants, collect forensic evidence and make an arrest when supported by probable cause to believe a crime has been committed.
You may pursue, or you can decline to pursue, a criminal or civil complaint. A criminal complaint and the university's resolution options can be pursued simultaneously. University Policy definitions and the Code of Virginia requirements for elements of a criminal prosecution may vary due to different processes.
If you are uncertain which agency to contact, W&L Public Safety can help you report.
- Lexington Police Department: 540-463-9177
- Rockbridge County Sheriff's Office: 540-463-7328
- Virginia State Police: 804-674-2000
Project Horizon can provide information about criminal reporting, investigations, as well as civil and criminal court proceedings. To speak with Project Horizon's legal advocate, call 540-463-8761.
It may be possible to obtain a court-ordered protective order. Students or employees may speak with Project Horizon who can assist in obtaining a protective order. Information about filing a protective order is also available on the va.courts.gov website.