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Provost's Office
Welcome to the Office of the Provost at Washington and Lee University. The provost is the University's chief academic officer. Working with the academic deans and the faculty, the provost is responsible for the academic strategy and priorities for University's central mission of teaching and learning.
At W&L, the deans of the College, the Williams School of Commerce, Economics and Politics, and the Law School report to the Provost. Other direct reports to the provost are the associate provost, the assistant provost for institutional research and effectiveness, the registrar, the director of the University Library, the chief technology officer, the director of the Roger Mudd Center for Ethics, and the director of athletics. The provost oversees budget allocations to these units and works with them for planning, development, implementation, assessment and improvement of all academic programs, policies and supporting infrastructure including facilities and information technology. The provost is responsible for the recruiting and retaining of faculty and contributes to maintaining the infrastructure that assists the faculty in teaching and research.
In carrying out these responsibilities, the provost is assisted by the associate provost, manager of operations, and administrative assistant.
This website offers helpful information for faculty and for students and their families. The Office of the Provost is committed to providing academic experiences of the highest quality for our students and faculty.
New faculty for the 2023-24 academic year by unit.
Standard Course Load for Full-Time Tenure Stream Faculty
After a lengthy analytical review of W&L faculty course teaching loads across all academic divisions, including a comparison of teaching loads with those of elite peer institutions, W&L is revising its faculty course teaching load policy.