The academic advising system is fundamental to undergraduate education at Washington and Lee, providing resources for students as they seek not only to meet graduation requirements, but also to become liberally educated human beings with well-developed intellect and character. Academic advisers encourage students to take responsibility for their own education and academic actions, engage in conversations beyond the classroom and help students to explore and serve a larger world through study abroad, community service, postgraduate education, and the commencement of productive careers.

Curricular Resources
Academic Advising
Making Up Missed Class Time
Our accreditation agency, SACSCOC, requires that we make up missed class time, and that we have a mechanism for documenting how we do so. This page contains the link to the form used for documenting missed or cancelled classes.
Kihkǫspé:hla Living Lab
Washington and Lee University has partnered with NDPonics to support educational exploration across disciplines through site-based experiential learning.
Spring Term Resources
Spring term is an educationally intensive learning experience. Please use these resources to help plan your course.