Policies & Protocols
- Borrowing Information
- Donating Books & Other Materials to the University Library
- eBook Policy
- Guest Computer Use
- Guidelines for Faculty Streaming Requests
- Posting of Notices in the University Library
- Room Reservations
- U.S. Federal Depository Library
Borrowing Information
Donating Books and Other Materials to the University Library
Rare and Special Collections
If you are interested in donating rare or special collections material to the University Library's Special Collections and Archives, please contact University Librarian K.T. Vaughan to discuss options: 540-458-8589 or kvaughan@wlu.edu. We are eager to discuss donations of manuscripts, ephemera, maps, rare books and incunabula, or personal papers.
Scholarly and Popular Books, Journals, and Other Materials
The University Library generally does not accept book, journal, or other donations for inclusion in the circulating collection, due to a lack of staff time and space for processing gifts. If you would like to donate particularly unique materials that are relevant to the W&L curriculum and that the library does not already own, please contact University Librarian K.T. Vaughan to discuss options: 540-458-8589 or kvaughan@wlu.edu.
Book Sale Donations
We accept donations for our occasional book sales, which support library programming and purchasing. Please contact University Librarian K.T. Vaughan at 540-458-8589 or kvaughan@wlu.edu for information about when and how to donate books for the sale. The library will sell, donate, catalog, or otherwise dispose of books and other materials at its discretion. Rockbridge Regional Library (RRL) accepts book donations for their monthly Friends of the Library sales. To donate to RRL, please fill out the form.
eBook Policy
Unlike print books, the University Library does not own eBooks. Instead, publishers require the library to acquire institutional licenses for eBook titles through a variety of vendors. The library can purchase a perpetual license or rent titles short term. The library maintains access to perpetual titles as long as the library has a contract with the vendor (ex: Ebook Central). In the event the library does not renew a contract with a vendor (ex: Ebook Central) access to those licenses will be lost. In some cases, a licensing agreement for the same book may differ across different vendor platforms. Many publishers utilize digital rights management or DRM when licensing eBooks. DRM can limit the number of users, how the book is accessed (example: ONLY via Adobe digital editions), or if a patron can print/save/copy. Given the differences in licensing and pricing structure, the University Library prioritizes eBooks that can be purchased in the following formats:
- Unlimited Access - Digital Rights Management (DRM) Free. These eBook licenses include unlimited access to patrons without restrictions on printing, saving, or copying. This model is preferred.
- Unlimited Access - These eBook licenses include unlimited access to patrons, but may have restrictions on printing, saving, or copying. (Example: A student wants to print out a 30-page chapter from an eBook to read for a class, but the license only allows the student to print 10 pages of the book, or a student wants to save the eBook to their device to refer to later, but the eBook does not allow saving to personal devices).
- Non-Linear Access - These eBook licenses can be used by any number of patrons concurrently for a total of 325 loan days for the title. The loan will reset each year. (Example: 4 students loan an eBook for 3 days each. 4 students x 3 days = 12 total days. Those 12 days would be subtracted from 325 to equal 313. This means there are 313 loan days left for the title this year). The same restrictions may apply to non-linear access titles as unlimited access titles.
- Linear 1 User or 3 User eBooks - The University will not license 1 User or 3 User eBooks as textbooks required for a class, or as supplemental readings for a class. Many of these books have digital rights management restrictions that are more restrictive than the other eBook purchasing models. These restrictions are placed on them by publishers, authors, or other third parties. (Example: A 3 user eBook is assigned for a class. 3 students are actively using the ebook, so the 4th, 5th, and 6th student were turned away and were unable to access the book needed for a class discussion the following day. The students have to keep checking back to see if a one of the first 3 students have released the book). An additional challenge with this access model is that there is a 1-hour lockout period after the eBook is returned, or if a user changes web browsers or devices. This can be frustrating for students and makes studying/research more difficult.
If instructors would still like to assign an eBook that has a linear 1 user or 3 user restriction, they can still do that outside of the library. Google Play/Amazon Kindle are some alternatives available that would allow students to access materials inexpensively for individual access directly on those platforms.
Guest Computer Use
Our guest computers, in Leyburn and Telford Libraries, are to be used research purposes. Guests, who have used our computers in excess of one hour, may be asked by a library staff member to yield time to other users. All computer users must comply with the Washington and Lee University Computing Resources, Network and Email Use Policy Information.
Guidelines for Faculty Streaming Requests
Posting of Notices in the University Library
- Notices, posters, signs, and flyers, from university organizations and departments, are allowed in the University Library provided they are hung in approved locations.
- Library staff will remove W&L related notices if they are outdated, not in approved locations, deemed inappropriate, and/or not associated with recognized student organizations.
- Non-W&L notices must be reviewed by the Access Services Librarian (Office M32) before posting and be non-commercial in nature.
- Contact Associate University Librarian for Access and Discovery Elizabeth Anne Teaff with questions.
Approved Locations for Posting Notices
- Leyburn
- Bulletin boards on each floor (located across from double elevators)
- The main floor has additional bulletin board locations near each entrance
- Inside restrooms
- Bulletin boards on each floor (located across from double elevators)
- Telford Science
- Bulletin board (4th floor near the elevator)
Room Reservations
- Reservations must be made for dates and times that University Library is open.
- If the library is closed our rooms may not be used. Typically, we are closed in the evenings and weekends during academic breaks and the summer months.
- Reservations may not exceed 4 hours per day.
- If reservations exceed 4 hours per day, you will be notified that your reservation(s) has been canceled. You must input your reservation again in 25Live to comply with our protocols.
- If a reservation is not claimed within the first 30 minutes after its start time, it is considered cancelled.
- Anyone may use the room at that point.
- Academic classes and exams take priority over other events.
- In the event of a scheduling conflict, we will make every attempt to accommodate both parties.
- Unattended items are moved to the Library's Lost & Found.
- Students may not leave belongings in any area (other than lockers on LL 2 & 4) for more than 24 hours.
- All reservations must comply with the Washington and Lee University Facilities Use Policy.
U.S. Federal Depository Library
Collection and Access
Leyburn Library of Washington and Lee University is a selective Depository for U.S. Government information. The physical collection includes roughly 100,000 publications, in paper (mostly shelved on Lower Level 4 in compact shelving) and microfiche (mostly shelved on the Main Floor) formats. Most, but not all, of these materials are listed in the W&L library catalog and may be checked out at the Information Desk.
Questions about U.S. Government information may be directed to Assistant Professor and Research and Instruction Librarian Emily Cook, who serves as depository contact.