The Faculty Adviser Match is used to assist us in assigning you an initial liberal arts faculty adviser with whom you are likely to have common interests and with whom you will be able to plan your courses of study. We realize that at this time you may not be sure of your immediate academic plans, but nevertheless we ask that you provide us with as much information as possible.

Academic Success
A hallmark of the University is the close interaction between students and faculty both in and outside the classroom. This relationship forms the foundation for your academic success. You should make sure to talk with your adviser about academic aspirations, questions and concerns. You should also go talk to your professors when you have questions in a course you are taking. In addition to the faculty, there are many other administrators, staff, peers, and resource programs that are here to support you in your academic progress. Washington and Lee Undergraduate College, Williams School and Student Affairs deans serve as support resources for students both in and beyond the classroom.
The transition from high school to post-secondary education can be a challenging one. However, the University's goal is not only to help you grow as a student, but also to become a more well-rounded person. This involves challenges that vary for each individual. The following links and helpful hints will assist you in overcoming similar trials that other students have faced, as well as direct you towards personalized guidance in your search for academic success.