Action Required - End of Year Closing Checklist May 3, 2024

Dear Gaines & Graham-Lees Residents:

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO! It is important that you thoroughly review the below "checklist" to prepare for move-out and avoid unnecessary improper check-out, cleaning, or unreturned key fees.

Plan ahead! Review University housing dates. Students will be fined for being in housing past close dates without prior approval.

  • Halls close May 26 at 5:00 PM for all undergrads except for approved late stays and graduating seniors. The extended stay form is open on eRezLife. Requests are approved on case-by-case basis for extenuating circumstance only and accompanied by a 50/night fee. Extended stay request deadline is May 17.
  • June 1 is the closing date for approved late stays and graduating seniors (unless approved to stay for the start of summer housing).

Don't get towed! Beginning at NOON on Friday, May 24th and ending at 5:00PM on Sunday, May 26th, vehicles may temporarily pull up to the side of Gaines and in front of Graham-Lees on Washington St. for loading vehicles only.

  • Bring out all your belongings first to load. Loading should take no more than 5 minutes, and someone must be with the vehicle at all times. Return moving carts to the building.
  • Please be mindful of coming and going traffic and share this information with your parents/friends/other visitors.
  • Before or after these dates, students must arrange to be picked up in the parking garage or other nearby parking areas as Washington St. will need to remain clear for city and construction traffic. Vehicles may be ticketed or towed for non-compliance at the owner's expense.

Avoid fees! See below list of possible fees (not exhaustive). To avoid these fees, you must remove all personal belongings, clean your bedroom, and remove personal items from commons spaces such as lounges or kitchens. TAKE ALL TRASH TO OUTDOOR DUMPSTERS (do not overflow indoor trash cans). Cleaning should include micro-fridges, floors, dressers, wardrobes, desks etc. Clean micro-fridges, unplug them, open the doors, put a towel or rags down to catch water as units defrost. Roommates need to establish a clean-up plan. Any charges will be divided among roommates regardless of owner or first/last to leave:

  • Excessive cleaning fee (bedroom) = $100.00
  • Item removal (i.e., non-university owned items) = $50.00 per item (examples include but are not limited to furniture, electronics, rugs, etc.). Items left behind will be considered abandoned and discarded/donated.
  • University-owned furniture relocation (e.g., if a chair needs to be relocated or if a bed needs to be put back together) = $25.00 per piece

After packing and cleaning, please complete the check-out portion of the Room Condition Report (RCR) by no later than May 29th on eRezLife, or you waive the right to contest damages (pre-existing or otherwise). Please include photographs. If you didn't fill out a RCR at check-in, you cannot fill out one for check-out and have automatically waived your right to contest damages.

  • You may be billed for damages that are not considered normal wear + tear. I.e., expected issues in a unit caused by everyday use. For example, normal wear + tear does not include paint damage due to removal of tape or command hooks. Correctly remove command strips from walls.
  • You may be billed for pre-existing damages if you did not fill out a RCR at check-in.

Return your key! Your RA will soon be distributing white key envelopes. You are required to fill out these envelopes, place your key inside, and return to a drop-box location (Commons 3rd Floor or Public Safety) see attached for reference. Public Safety is open 24/7. Please contact your RA about retrieving your key return envelope. There will also be extra envelopes at drop locations. Your key is your responsibility.

  • DO NOT give your key to a friend, roommate, or someone else to return. RAs will not collect keys. You are accountable for your key even if someone else loses it or fails to turn it in for you.
  • DO NOT leave your key in your room. We will not retrieve it for you.
  • DO NOT take your key home and mail it. We will not accept keys via mail.
  • Not following these directions WILL result in a $150.00 unreturned key fee.

Other stuff! Please submit work orders for any maintenance issues such as plumbing, HVAC, safety concerns, etc. Work orders may by submitted via the online portal. Contact MicroFridge about your rental. Consider Storage Scholars for storage needs.

Finally, as you begin cleaning and removing items, please reduce waste by recycling gently used furniture, clothing, etc. All garbage must be thrown away in outdoor dumpsters. Do NOT leave garbage or items in hallways, on porches, balconies, etc. as these will be subject to cleaning/removal fees.

  • There will be additional dumpsters located at Gaines, Graham-Lees, Village, and Woods Creek between May 21 and May 28th.
  • Habitat trucks will also be located near Gaines, Graham-Lees, Village and Woods Creek between May 21 and May 28 to collect donations.

Trust me when I say this...fees add up quickly, a majority of which are completely avoidable. You don't want to pay, and we'd rather not have to process those fees. Not to mention doing your part will greatly help our hardworking crews in University Facilities. We appreciate your cooperation in making this a smooth end of year checkout.

Questions? Review our website and talk to your RA first. You can also email

Plan for fall 2024! Visit our website for fall 2024 dates and details (including early arrival info) and plan your travels accordingly.

We hope you have a great spring term, smooth move out, and safe travels! Thanks in advance for doing your part.

Chris Reid, EdD
Director of Residence Life
Washington & Lee University