The Roger Mudd Center for Ethics

The Roger Mudd Center for Ethics advances dialogue, teaching, and research about issues of public and professional ethics across all three of the University's schools - the College, the Williams School, and the School of Law.

Yearly Ethics Theme

2024-2025: How We Live and Die: Stories, Values and Communities

The Mudd Center will explore the layered and productive relationships among ethics, medicine, and narrative to examine aspects of the four pillars of medical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Central to our year-long investigation will be the voices of anthropologists, artists, ethicists, physicians, and playwrights among others to understand better how sharing and listening to testimonies and maligned perspectives can counter epistemic injustice in the field of western medicine. Over the last two decades, such inquiry has informed ethical considerations related to diagnostics, interventions, research, and policy. Through multiple points of engagement, the 2024-2025 Mudd series will explore poignant questions and viewpoints related to human suffering, justice, responsibility, and equity in how we live and die.

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