About ITS
Mission statement
Facilitate a technology culture that enables the success of the University's mission through exceptional support and services provided by professional, consultative staff, and secure access to systems, information, and content.
Announcements on training, changes in IT services and resources, and other timely news appear in these and other communication channels:
- Campus Notices
- ITS News
- ITS Dashboard
- Project Roadmap
- 2017-18 survey of faculty and staff, summary and ITS response (PDF)
- November 2015 survey of undergraduate and law students, summary and ITS response
- November 2014 survey of faculty and staff, summary and ITS response (PDF)
- May 2013 ECAR survey of undergraduates, summary results (PDF)
- August 2012 survey of first-year undergraduates, device ownership and use (PDF)
- 2011 survey of faculty and staff, summary and ITS response (PDF)
- Acceptable Use Policy (Computing Resources, Network and E-mail Use Policy)
- Baseline Security Standards
- Change Management
- Confidentiality Policy
- Copyright Policy
- eCommerce Policy
- Financial Information Security
- ITS Security Practices
- ITS Log Data Access and Retention (pdf document)
- Information Security Plan
- Procedures to Verify Identity Before Password Reset (pdf document)
- Requesting Access to Other People's Accounts (pdf document)
- Risk Assessment Guidelines
- Security Safeguards for IT Resources
Contact ITS
- Email: help@wlu.edu
- Mailing address: Information Technology Services, Washington and Lee University, 204 W. Washington St., Lexington, VA 24450
- Directions