Hillel at Washington and Lee A "Small and Mighty" Campus of Excellence
Washington and Lee Hillel is established to provide facilities, guidance and organization for religious, cultural, educational, social, community service, and interfaith activities for Jewish students, Washington and Lee University, and the Jewish community of Rockbridge County. W&L Hillel is dedicated to building Jewish identity and community while nurturing intellectual and spiritual growth.
Washington and Lee Hillel Values
- Creating a pluralistic, welcoming, and inclusive environment
- Fostering student growth
- Balancing the need for both a distinctively Jewish and universal human identity
- Pursuing tzedek (social justice), tikkun olam (repairing the world), and Jewish learning
- Supporting Israel and the global Jewish community
- Committing to excellence, innovation, accountability, and results
Hillel International Mission Statement
Enriching the lives of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.
Hillel International Vision Statement
We envision a world where every student is inspired to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning and Israel.
Welcome from the new Interim Coordinator for Jewish Life, Ryan Brink!
Ryan Brink joined the staff at Washington and Lee in 2019 as the Campus Kitchen Coordinator after graduating in 2018. As a student, he studied Engineering and Studio Art, with some of his paintings displayed in the Mattingly and Hillel Houses. Ryan was also heavily involved in the Shepherd Program through Bonner and Campus Kitchen, as well as the W&L Club Rugby Team. Since moving back to Lexington, he has taken an active role in the local Jewish community, participating in weekly Torah Study, community Shabbats, and Passover Seders. I am thrilled that Ryan has agreed to serve as our Interim Coordinator for Jewish Life while continuing his full-time role with the Shepherd Program. He is excited to work with W&L Hillel to foster a strong sense of Jewish community on campus.