Support Us
How to Contribute
Donations can be made online or by mail:
Washington and Lee Hillel
204 W. Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450
Program Sponsorships
Washington and Lee Hillel needs your help to ensure that quality Jewish programs reach Jewish students at W&L. Please consider a contribution to sponsor a Hillel event such as:
- Shabbat dinners
- Holiday programs (High Holidays, Passover Seder, Chanukah and others)
- Very Interesting Professor dinners
- Study breaks
- Alternative spring break
- Parents and Family Weekend
- Alumni Weekend
- Speakers
Contact Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Student Engagement, Dean Futrell, for more information.
A Challenge for the W&L Hillel Endowment for Programming
An alumnus has affirmed the importance of W&L Hillel and the need to support its programs by committing $330,000 to challenge alumni, parents, and friends to give an additional $660,000 for the W&L Hillel Endowment for Programming. The challenge and subsequent gifts will add to contributions made previously to the endowment. When completed, the endowment will exceed $1.1 million. Outright contributions and pledges payable up to five years count towards the challenge. Planned gifts can enhance the endowment for the future but do not count towards the challenge.
A programming endowment is essential to support permanently Jewish life at W&L for students, faculty, staff, and community members. Like many programs at W&L, Hillel must cover the expenses of its operations and programs through private expendable and endowment gifts. Hillel's budget supports all programs and also helps support the Director's salary. As Jewish enrollment grows, dependable sources of revenue to meet programming needs are crucial. A W&L Hillel Endowment for Programming will supplement annual appeals and will provide an opportunity to support Jewish life at Washington and Lee and to help meet the following primary goals:
- Maintain and enhance ambitious programs including Shabbat services and dinners, holiday programs, dinners and celebrations, a "Very Interesting Professors" dinner series, exam study breaks, speakers, visiting rabbi for High Holidays, Parents and Family Weekend events, social activities, community service, and Holocaust Remembrance Week events
- Develop new programming possibly including exchanges with other Hillels, Jewish-themed entertainment, Jewish learning, Israel programming, and educational trips in the region
Contributions to the W&L Hillel Endowment for Programming can also be made online or by mail. Please contact Dean Futrell, Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Student Engagement with questions or for more information.