Technology Tips
Are you frustrated with chronic technological hurdles when you work on scripts for a Russian film class? Do you want to smash your computer whenever your Japanese professor assigns a film review? Are you tired of seeing red lines underneath nearly every word of your Politics paper? Are you confused about where to find your audio and video recordings for your English final in the GDL? Are you unsure of how you can record a monologue for your Italian class? The GDL can help. We have a few helpful technology tips listed below. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask the assistant on duty.
Box Drive
Files in the GDL are stored securely for student use on the Box Drive. This is where you will find the movie, audio files, or testing files that your professor assigned.
The Sanako Unit
The Sanako Unit is one of the most extensively used pieces of software in the GDL. Installed at every student station in the Global Communications Laboratory, it allows for audio/video playback and recording, as well as teacher-student and student-teacher interaction. Everyone should be familiar with its basic functions.
Setting Your Language
Microsoft Word and World Languages
ArcGIS Online offers a complete, cloud-based geographic information system of the world.
Maptitude Geographic Information System (GIS) software gives you the tools, maps, and demographic data you need to analyze and understand how geography affects you and your business.
NetSupport School
Working across all platforms, NetSupport School supports a teacher with a wealth of dedicated assessment, monitoring, collaboration and control features to ensure they can leverage the very best from their ICT equipment.
Mango Languages
"Mango adapts to your unique learning style, so you pick up on new vocabulary, intuit unfamiliar grammatical structure, and train your pronunciation, all while boosting your cultural IQ." A lifetime subscription is available for W&L Students, Faculty, and Alumni.