Commencement Procession Line-Up and Regalia Instructions
Commencement Line-up Instructions: Law Class of 2025
Rehearsal for Commencement will begin at 3:00 p.m., on Wednesday afternoon, May 14, on Stemmons Plaza, facing Huntley Hall, between Reid Hall and Newcomb Hall, behind the Colonnade. All students participating in commencement are REQUIRED to attend the rehearsal on Wednesday, May 14.
"Parent Alumni and Grads" photos and the Class of 2025 law photo will be taken on Friday morning, May 16, at 9:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m., respectively, on the Front Lawn near the Lee House and Simpson House.
Commencement Exercises will be held on the Front Lawn in front of University Chapel on Friday, May 16, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
By University regulations, only those students receiving degrees participate in Commencement, and the diploma will not be awarded to a candidate for a degree who fails to attend the Commencement Exercises, unless the candidate has been excused in advance by formal action of the Law Faculty. Because Commencement is such an important event in the life of the University and of the graduating class, requests to be excused are not routinely granted. Any such requests must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean for Law Student Affairs by April 1, 2025. A candidate who without approved excuse does not participate in the Commencement Exercises is recorded as having been graduated and having received the degree as of the date of Commencement but does not receive the diploma until the next time diplomas are customarily awarded in October.
Academic costume will be worn during the Commencement Exercises. The tassel of the tam or cap is worn to the left, since all law students already have a degree.
Candidates will assemble at 9:30 a.m. facing Huntley Hall (the Williams School) in two files in alphabetical order. Three faculty marshals will be organizing the line-up and checking attendance. The Juris Doctor candidates with last names from the first half of the alphabet will form on the sidewalk nearest to the Colonnade (behind Newcomb Hall), extending north toward Washington Hall; Juris Doctor candidates with last names from the last half of the alphabet will form on the sidewalk nearest to Reid Hall, extending north toward Leyburn Library.
The lines step off promptly at 9:55, the files are led by the faculty marshals down the sidewalk toward Huntley Hall and then between Morris House and Simpson House, left in front of Morris House, and across the front campus to Newcomb Hall on the Colonnade. When halted by the marshal, the candidates will face in and open ranks, allowing the Platform Party and Faculty to march through the open ranks of candidates. Led by marshals and bagpipers, the candidates will then follow the Faculty, banners, and flags to the seating area.
Graduands will stand in front of the seats labelled with their names, and willl wear their caps throughout the Exercises.
Conferring of Degrees: Dean Wilson will request the candidates to rise and after they are standing, will present them to President Dudley. The president will confer the degree. All candidates will remain standing and come forward in alphabetical order as directed by the marshals. After receiving the diploma, each graduate will return to his/her chair and will remain standing. When all graduates have returned to their seats, the dean will instruct the graduates to be seated.
After the Commencement Exercises, beginning at about 11:30 a.m. on Commencement day, a picnic lunch will be available for graduating law students, their families, friends, and faculty on the Cannan Green (tent near the Elrod University Commons).
Students who have not already done so should report immediately to the Law Records Office the addresses at which they will be receiving mail following Commencement.
In case of rain, the Exercises will be held at Duchossois Athletic and Recreation Center. Graduands will gather for the processional at 9:30 a.m. The J.D. candidates with last names from the first half of the alphabet will form at a place to be determined; candidates with last names from the last half of the alphabet will form at a place to be determined. At 10:00 a.m., candidates will follow the marshals to their seats. Candidates should remain standing until the end of the invocation.
Congratulations - and enjoy the ceremonies.
Commencement Line-up Instructions: Undergraduate Class of 2025
The following instructions will help the graduation ceremonies move smoothly. Please read them carefully, in advance.
Important: By faculty policy regulations, only those students receiving degrees participate in Commencement, and the diploma is not awarded with the class to a candidate for a degree who fails to attend the Commencement Exercises, unless excused in advance by formal action of the Faculty Executive Committee. A student who without an approved excuse does not participate in the Commencement Exercises is recorded as having received the degree as of the date of Commencement but does not receive the diploma until the next time diplomas are customarily awarded — October 1st.
Class of 2025 photo: Monday, May 26, 2025 at Senior Picnic, Liberty Hall Ruins.
Alumni Parents and Grads photos will be taken Thursday morning, May 29, at 8:45 a.m. between Lee House and Simpson House on the front campus.
The Baccalaureate Service will be held on the Front Lawn in front of University Chapel on Wednesday, May 28, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Students should assemble on Stemmons Plaza between Newcomb Hall and Reid Hall at 9:30 a.m. This event is an important historical tradition and serves as the practice for the graduation processional.
The Commencement Exercises will be held on the Front Lawn near University Chapel on Thursday, May 29, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Students should assemble on Stemmons Plaza behind the Colonnade at 9:15 a.m.
Academic costume is worn on both occasions. Students may wear only approved regalia and may not carry "props" or water bottles. Water is provided under your seat on the front lawn. The tassel to the cap is worn to the right, except by a candidate who already has a bachelor's degree. After receiving the diploma, all graduates should shift the tassel from the right to the left as they as they come off the stage.
If the weather is clear, candidates will line up at 9:30 a.m. facing Huntley Hall in two files in alphabetical order. Faculty and student marshals will organize the line-up and check attendance. Graduands with last names beginning with A through K will form on the sidewalk nearest to Reid Hall, extending north toward Leyburn Library; graduands with last names beginning with L through Z will form on the sidewalk nearest to the Colonnade (behind Newcomb Hall), extending north toward Washington Hall.
When you arrive at the line-up site, try to get into your approximate position in the line and stay there. Please leave space for latecomers and cooperate with the marshals in their efforts to help things go smoothly. Diplomas are handed out in alphabetical order. The marshals take attendance before the procession begins in order to ensure the correct distribution of diplomas. Be sure you are in your place on time. After each file is formed, the student marshals report on attendance to the faculty marshal and then take their own proper places in the file.
On both days, the line steps off promptly at 9:55 a.m. Each file is led by a faculty marshal. Graduates will follow the marshals down the sidewalk between Morris House and Simpson House, left in front of Morris House, and across the front campus to Newcomb Hall on the Colonnade. When halted by the faculty marshal, the candidates will face in and open ranks, allowing the Platform Party and Faculty to march through the open ranks of candidates. Led by faculty marshals, the candidates will then follow the Faculty, banners, and flags to the appropriate seating area.
Conferring of Degrees: The provost requests the candidates to rise. When the candidates are standing, Provost Hill presents them to President Dudley. The president confers the degree and the candidates then come forward in order, by section. Each candidate faces the president while receiving the diploma, taking the document with the left hand while accepting the president's congratulations with the right hand. After receiving the diploma, graduates return to their chairs and sit down.
In case of rain, the service(s) will be in VMI's Cameron Hall Gymnasium and candidates will line up on the lower level of Cameron. Graduates will assemble for Baccalaureate or for Commencement on the lower level of VMI's Cameron Hall. Enter through the front doors from Main Street, go left inside the door, and down the first set of stairs. Faculty marshals and others will provide directions and assistance. Please be in the building at the assigned spot no later than 9:15 am.
The ceremony ends after the president's concluding remarks, without a formal recessional.
Please help maintain the dignity of our celebration together by delaying any toasts until after the end of the ceremony.
Congratulations - and enjoy the ceremonies.