Resources for Women

The Office of Career and Professional Development (CPD) at Washington and Lee University has not vetted any of the internship and volunteer opportunity listings on this page and makes no representations or guarantees regarding any of the listed opportunities. It is the responsibility of students and alumni to do their own due diligence when applying for and accepting any of these opportunities.

CPD strives to make our services welcoming and accessible to people of all backgrounds.  If you identify an area of our work that you believe misses a critical perspective or employs language that needs improvement, please contact We welcome your feedback.

Quick Links: General Career Advice | FAQs | Career Resources | On-Campus Resources

General Career Advice

  • Understand your protections against discrimination: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex which includes sexual/romantic orientation and gender identity/expression. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination based on disability. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination based on pregnancy. Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act prohibits discrimination based on genetic information.
  • Know your rights: Understand the questions employers can and cannot ask you as you proceed through the hiring process.  Focus the conversation on your skills and abilities and what you bring to the workplace.
  • Evaluate the corporate climate: Investigate company's current equality climate and determine your level of comfort before accepting an offer. Review demographics and talk to employees about the company's culture. Use resources such as Glassdoor to see what other women employees have said about the company.
  • Stay informed and negotiate: Be proactive about negotiating your starting salary and keep negotiating throughout your career. Negotiation is key to closing the pay gap to the workplace. Some resources include:
    • How To Navigate Salary Negotiations video or pdf in the resource library of Handshake
    • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and Roger Ury offers advice on how to negotiate
    • Dare to Ask: The Woman's Guidebook to Successful Negotiating by Cait Clarke and Neil Shister
    • Payscale,, Glassdoor, and Robert Half are online resource for different salary comparisons and negotiation scenarios
  • Apply to positions even if you don't meet ALL the requirements: According to the Harvard Business Review, men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications but women apply only if they meet 100% if them. Don't discount yourself; there is no harm in taking a risk.
  • Explore professional groups: Consider utilizing professional women's organizations such as the American Business Women's Association or the American Association of University Women for networking purposes and general support.


What questions should I ask the employer? 

  • Inquire about their performance evaluations and opportunities for further development. This can include certification programs or the chance to earn a degree. Ask about time constraints, travel obligations, and the ebb and flow of the work schedule. These questions can reveal how supportive an employer is of their employees.

How do I know a workplace is right for me?

  • Conduct informational interviews to determine whether work environment is a good fit for you. Research the company's reputation on diversity through resources such as Fairy God Boss, a site that includes women's reviews of companies.  

Career Resources

On-Campus Resources

  • Make an appointment with a Career Advisor on Handshake to discuss your career plans
  • Enroll in CPD Canvas course and join industry groups of interest to receive notifications about jobs and internships and relevant career-related 
  • Office of Inclusion and Engagement - Creating and maintaining a safe and supportive atmosphere as students integrate into the educational, cultural and social environment of the University
  • Colonnade Connections and LinkedIn - Network with alumni
  • Student Organizations - WITS (Women in Technology and Science), Money Matters, Women in Economics