Written Student Complaints Policy Guidance

Title: Written Student Complaints Guidance Policy

Issued: June 10, 2024

Responsible Offices:

  • Student Affairs - Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
  • Academic Affairs - Provost
  • Law - Academic Dean

I. Policy Scope:

This policy applies to the Washington and Lee University community. Information regarding the filing of certain complaints by prospective students is also provided herein.

II. Purpose and Policy Statement

This policy defines official written student complaints and supplements procedures for reporting such complaints at Washington and Lee University. Compliance is required by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE), the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), and the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

III. Definitions

Written Student Complaint means those complaints falling into one of the specific categories of complaints and which are reported according to existing university policy and which are reported using official means, in writing, including via email.

The Categories of Complaints Constituting Official Written Student Complaints:

  1. The Honor System
  2. Academic
  3. Non-Academic
  4. Student Judicial Policies
  5. Other official written student complaints

Student means an individual who has enrolled at the university and who maintains an active student status within the university's student information system.

IV. Policy

Students may choose or may be required to record grievances and/or concerns in writing. It is the policy of Washington and Lee University to route the correspondence to the appropriate University Official. Students who wish to file an official written complaint must do so by following appropriate procedures as outlined in the procedures section of this policy. Complaints not filed according to the procedures outlined in this policy shall not be designated as an official Written Student Complaint.

Nothing in this policy shall prohibit students from seeking informal resolution of a concern, grievance, or complaint by contacting directly one or more appropriate units within the University.

V. Procedures for Handling Student Complaints

Students who wish to file an official grievance or complaint should do so in writing using the official list of Contacts for Student Grievances and Concerns: Washington and Lee University (G&L contact list). Individuals noted on (or by) this page should acknowledge the correspondence, with email being the primary method of contact, and list any initial action that is being taken in response to the grievance or concern.

While the list on the webpage covers most of the scenarios a grievance or concern may need to address, other individuals may need to be involved, and those individuals will be included in the return correspondence. If any concern represents an emergency, a call or a visit to the student may be deemed necessary.

If any University official listed on the Grievance and Concern Contacts page receives a complaint, it is their responsibility to keep the correspondence received, and a copy of the correspondence and/or any documentation of actions taken. It is possible that the contacted official would not be the person overseeing the corrective action (if necessary).

It is also possible that a written student complaint would be to someone not recommended on the G&L contact list. It is the responsibility of the person receiving the correspondence to inform the proper person (on the G&L contact list) of the concern or grievance and take action when appropriate. Documentation of the complaint should be done by one of the individuals designated by the G&L contact list.

VI. Categories of Complaints

As indicated in Section III, the categories of complaints constituting official written student complaints are:

  1. The Honor System
  2. Academic
  3. Non-Academic
  4. Student Judicial Policies
  5. Other official written student complaints

The Student Handbook serves as the primary source on the University Honor System, Academic Policies and Procedures, Non-Academic Policies and Procedures, Contacts for Student Grievances and Concerns, Student Judicial Policies and Procedures and other student life information. All student-related matters may be supplemented by additional institutional policy statements published on the University website and with the Office of General Counsel.

Revision History:
October 2024: NC-SARA and SARA affiliation removed from purpose section.