Contacts for Student Grievances and Concerns
Students who wish to bring a grievance or concern pertaining to University policies, procedures, or operations are encouraged to address their concern to the appropriate department head or official who oversees that area of University operations. Students with disabilities who need assistance in addressing a grievance or concern should contact the Title IX Coordinator and Director of Disability Resources. If a student has any doubt as to whom to direct a concern, the following officials may be contacted:
Student Life Concerns
Housing concerns (including assignments, roommate issues, and residence hall maintenance concerns)
Chris Reid, Director of Residence Life
Financial Aid Concerns
James Kaster, Director of Financial Aid
Financial Charges/Payments Concerns
Irma Bailey, Associate Treasurer and Controller
Harassment/Discrimination and Disability Accommodations Concerns
Lauren Kozak, Title IX Coordinator and Director of Disability Resources
Student Employee Concerns
Kim Austin, Deputy Director of Human Resources and Director of Benefits
All other non-academic concerns (including student conduct, public safety, and other campus life issues)
Alex Miller, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Academic Concerns
Grade Appeals
Undergraduate Students - - Chair of the Academic Department (for the particular course)
Grading, Academic Course Policy, and Fair Treatment by Faculty
Concerns about grading, academic course policy, and fair treatment by faculty should be addressed to the department head of the department in question, and/or to the academic dean who supervises that division:
College: Chawne Kimber, Dean of the College
Williams School: Rob Straughan, Dean of the Williams School
Law School: Melanie Wilson, Dean of the Law School
Concerns can also be conveyed to the Provost of the University, Lena Hill.
Distance Learning
Concerns relating to distance education covered by the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) should be addressed to the Provost of the University, Lena Hill. If all available internal grievance procedures have been exhausted, complaints regarding distance education covered by SARA may be filed with the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia (SCHEV). Contact information for the Virginia SARA can be located at https://www.schev.edu/institutions/virginia-sara.
Any concerns or inquiries regarding general academic policies should be addressed to the appropriate academic dean and/or to the University Registrar, Melissa Neal.