Visit the Library
Leyburn Library is situated next to the Elrod University Commons, and directly behind the buildings forming the Colonnade. The Science Library is located in the Science Center next to Leyburn Library,
On the campus map, Leyburn Library is number 50 and the Science Library is number 73. The parking garage is on US 60 West (Nelson Street extension). Visitors should park in the spots reserved for visitor parking.
There are two handicapped parking spaces directly outside the west side of Leyburn Library's Lower Level 4 (behind Leyburn Library facing Woods Creek). The swipe card accessible door to lower level 4, nearest to the University Development Office, is open to the general public Monday through Friday, 7:30 am - 8:30 pm and Saturdays and Sundays, 10 am - 8:30 pm. If you would like assistance, please call Security at 540-458-8999.