The Milton Colvin Scholarship Endowment was created in 1997 by his sister, Mrs. Katharine Colvin Hart, and other members of the Colvin family to honor this distinguished teacher and his 30-year career as a professor of politics at Washington and Lee. Upon the recommendation of the head of the Politics Department, awards from the Colvin Scholarship Endowment will be made to promising upperclass politics majors who have financial aid need.

Politics Department Awards
The Elizabeth B. Garrett Scholarships were founded on a bequest made by Mrs. Elizabeth B. White in 1918. This fund provides for five of the department scholarships, namely one each in the following departments: Economics, English, French, History, and Politics.
The Schlegel Scholarships honor the memory of United States Navy Commander Robert Allan Schlegel '85, who was killed in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Established in 2002 through a fundraising campaign spearheaded by members of Chi Psi fraternity of which Schlegel was a member, the prize supports three initiatives.
The Warner Public Service Award honors a Washington Term student who will be staying on for the summer to serve in a second political internship, thereby manifesting a serious interest in public affairs and potentially a serious interest in future public service.
The Washington and Lee Presidential Fellow attends two three-day conferences at the Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress in Washington D.C. At these policy workshops, Fellows discuss national issues with scholars of American government and international affairs, senior government officials, and leaders from the fields of business, media, public policy, and the military. The centerpiece of the Fellowship is the student’s original research paper on the Presidency or Congress.