Gavin L. Fox Associate Professor of Business Administration

Holekamp 309
Curriculum Vitae
Professor Fox joined the Washington and Lee University faculty in 2014. He teaches courses in marketing management, design thinking, and customer contact. Pedagogically, he is interested in the intersection of business and the liberal arts, specifically as they pertain to fostering innovation. Throughout his career, he has consulted with a number of businesses on service process design, primarily with small medical practices.
Professor Fox served eight years in the Army Reserve as a Quartermaster Officer, including a deployment to Iraq in 2004 as a First Lieutenant. During the experience, he learned a great deal about leadership, logistics, innovation, and the meaning of the word “challenge.”
Professor Fox’s research interests span service innovation, customer experience, and viral marketing. His work has been published in the International Journal of Operations & Production Management, the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Retailing, Psychology & Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, among others. Professor Fox also reviews for a number of academic journals.
Ph.D. in Marketing, Florida State University (2009)
MBA, Virginia Tech (2001)
B.S. in Management Science & Information Technology, Virginia Tech (1999)
Service innovation, customer experience, and viral marketing
BUS 211 – Marketing Management
BUS 375 – Design Thinking (Spring Term)
BUS 374 – Customer Contact