Pooja Thakur-Wernz Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Huntley 126
Curriculum Vitae
Professor Pooja Thakur-Wernz is a Strategic Management and International Business scholar and educator. She joined the W&L faculty in July 2020 as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Business Administration. Before joining W&L, she was an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech and Wichita State University. She completed her Ph.D. in Management at Rutgers University. Professor Thakur-Wernz's research focuses on the impact of strategic choices made by firms on their international expansion, innovation, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Her industry focus is the global biopharmaceutical industry, and her country focus is India, her home country and one of the fastest-growing emerging economies. Her research has been published in well-known strategic management and international business journals. She serves on the editorial review board for the Journal of International Business Policy. Professor Thakur-Wernz has taught various courses on strategic management, global strategy, international business, and international management at the undergraduate, MBA, and executive MBA levels. She has taught these courses at Rutgers University, Virginia Tech, Wichita State University, and W&L. She encourages her students to apply what is taught in class to real-world scenarios. Thus, her teaching philosophy is geared towards critical thinking. She also brings the experiences she gained through extensive international travel to her classroom discussions.
PhD in Management, Rutgers University
MBA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
B.Commerce (Honors), Osmania University (India)
- Emerging Economy Firms
- Internationalization
- Innovation
- Offshoring
- Outsourcing
- Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry
- India
BUS 398 - Strategic Management
BUS 305A – International Business
BUS 362 – Understanding Emerging Economies
Selected Publications
Thakur-Wernz, P., Barnard, H., & Matthee, M. (2024) Knightian Uncertain Violence and the Challenge of FDI-Assisted Development: Policy recommendation where Civilian Lives are at Risk. Journal of International Business Policy.
Thakur-Wernz, P., & Bosse, D. (2023) Configurational Framework of Learning Conduits Used by Emerging Economy Firms to Improve their Innovation Performance. Journal of Business Research, 157.
Piscitello, L., & Thakur-Wernz, P. (2023) Impact of Domestic and Foreign Knowledge Mechanisms on the Innovation Performance of Indian Firms, International Business Review, 102107. (Authors listed alphabetically)
Thakur-Wernz, P. Bruyaka, O. & Contractor, F. (2022) Sourcing portfolio diversity in new product development: Antecedents and performance implications. Journal of Business Research, 150:179-193.
Thakur-Wernz, P. & Wernz, C. (2022) Impact of Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Regime on Innovation by Indian Bio-pharmaceutical firms: De Alio Versus De Novo Firms. Journal of Business Research, 138: 457-473.
Samant, S., Thakur-Wernz, P. & Hatfield, D. (2021) The Impact of Differences in Internationalization Processes on Innovation in Emerging Economy Firms. International Journal of Emerging Markets. DOI 10.1108/IJOEM-11-2020-1331.
Thakur-Wernz, P. & Wernz, C. (2020) Does R&D Offshore Outsourcing Improve Innovation in Vendor Firms from Emerging Economies? A Study of Bio-pharmaceutical Industry in India. International Journal of Emerging Markets. DOI 10.1108/IJOEM-03-2020-0308.
Thakur-Wernz, P. Bruyaka, O. & Contractor, F. (2020) Impact of Offshoring and Outsourcing of Complex Activities on Performance: Global Clinical Trials in Pharmaceutical R&D. Technovation, 90-91: 102097.
Samant, S., Thakur-Wernz, P. & Hatfield, D. (2020) Does the focus of Policy Impact the Nature of Innovation? Evidence from Renewable Energy Sector in Emerging Economies. Energy Policy, 137:111119.
Thakur-Wernz, P., Cantwell, J. & Samant, S. (2019) Impact of International Entry Choices on the Nature and Type of Innovation: Evidence from Emerging Economy Firms from the Indian Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry. International Business Review, 28(6):101601.
Thakur-Wernz, P. & Samant, S. (2019) Relationship between International Experience and Innovation Performance: Importance of Organizational Learning for EMNEs, Global Strategy Journal. 9(3): 355-487.
Thakur-Wernz, P. (2019) A Typology of Backsourcing: Short-Run Total Costs and Internal Capabilities for Re-internalization. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 12(1): 42-61.
Thakur-Wernz, P. & Bruyaka, O. (2017) Evolution of Offshoring and Outsourcing Configurations: Evidence from the Biopharmaceutical Industry, Management International Review, 57(6): 909-946.
Gove, S., Junkunc, M., Bruyaka, O., Ricardo, L., Mingo, S., Song, Y., & Thakur-Wernz, P. (2017) Reexamining CEO Duality: The Surprising Problematic Issue of Conceptualization and Measurement, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 25(6): 411-427.
Thakur-Wernz, P. & Samant, S. (2015) Curvilinear Relationship between Internationalization and Innovation: Evidence from firms in an Emerging Economy, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2015(1): 18345.
Wernz, C., Thakur-Wernz, P. & Kongkiti P. (2014) Service Convergence and Service Integration in Medical Tourism, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 114(7): 1094-1106.
Bruyaka, O., Zeitzmann, H., Chalamon, I., Wokutch, R. & Thakur, P. (2012) Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility and Orphan Drug Development: Insights from the US and the EU Biopharmaceutical Industry, Journal of Business Ethics, 117(1): 45-65.
Newburry, W. & Thakur, P. (2010) Multi-Level Impacts on Perceived Career Opportunity from Global Integration, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(13): 2358-2380.