Course Offerings
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- Spring 2025
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Spring 2025▲
See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.
Sustainability Accounting
ACCT 303 - Hess, Megan
This course examines best practices and key debates in sustainability accounting and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. Sustainable business practices meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future. Increasingly, accountants are playing an important role in measuring, reporting, and auditing corporate impacts on society and the environment so that corporations can be held accountable and more sustainable business practices can be implemented.
Winter 2025▲
See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.
Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100 - Brockbank, Bryan
An introduction to accounting for both internal and external purposes. Students cover the fundamental principles of financial accounting (external) and an introduction to how companies process financial information in order to disclose it to the public. The course also investigates how managers prepare information for internal purposes (managerial accounting). Financial accounting is guided by external requirements, while managerial accounting generally is not.
Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100 - Hess, Megan
An introduction to accounting for both internal and external purposes. Students cover the fundamental principles of financial accounting (external) and an introduction to how companies process financial information in order to disclose it to the public. The course also investigates how managers prepare information for internal purposes (managerial accounting). Financial accounting is guided by external requirements, while managerial accounting generally is not.
Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100 - Rajsky, Iguehi
An introduction to accounting for both internal and external purposes. Students cover the fundamental principles of financial accounting (external) and an introduction to how companies process financial information in order to disclose it to the public. The course also investigates how managers prepare information for internal purposes (managerial accounting). Financial accounting is guided by external requirements, while managerial accounting generally is not.
Corporate Financial Reporting
ACCT 231 - Reid, Colin
An examination of the principles of financial accounting applied to financial statement presentation and the underlying treatment of cash versus accrual accounting, present-value analysis, earnings per share, investments, and equity.
Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 311 - Tanlu, Lloyd
Students work to prepare an industry and a company analysis. Through presentations, written analyses and extensive work using computer spreadsheets and databases, students learn to analyze and interpret financial statements of publicly traded companies.
Intermediate Financial Reporting I
ACCT 332 - Fafatas, Stephan
An examination of the principles of financial accounting by gathering evidence through the accounting research process as well as exploring revenue recognition, cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and property, plant, and equipment.
Intermediate Financial Reporting II
ACCT 333 - Irani, Afshad
An examination of financial reporting issues that cover operating and long-term liabilities, income taxes, pensions, leases, and cash flows. The course also continues using the Accounting Standards Codification to explore accounting questions.
ACCT 360 - Hess, Megan
This course examines auditing and its role in a market economy. Course content focuses on the market for audit services, audit planning, evidence gathering, and reporting.
Directed Individual Study: The Arbitrage Lab
ACCT 401C - Bassiouny, Aliaa
Arbitrage is a central tenet of financial economics and a critical mechanism to efficient price discovery. In this one credit directed individual study course, the student will have the opportunity to work hands on with a high frequency data set to examine the frequency and persistence of arbitrage opportunities in financial markets.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
ACCT 452 - Rajsky, Iguehi
Students prepare federal and state income tax returns for individuals with low to moderate income, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and individuals with limited English proficiency. To accomplish this, students need to be certified by the IRS which involves completing an online course and passing a certification exam. May be repeated once for a total of four credits.
Honors Thesis
ACCT 493 - Bassiouny, Aliaa
Development of and production of an Honors Thesis. Students are responsible for arranging for a thesis sponsor from among Accounting and Finance faculty.
Honors Thesis
ACCT 493 - Tanlu, Lloyd
Development of and production of an Honors Thesis. Students are responsible for arranging for a thesis sponsor from among Accounting and Finance faculty.
Honors Thesis
ACCT 493 - Irani, Afshad
Development of and production of an Honors Thesis. Students are responsible for arranging for a thesis sponsor from among Accounting and Finance faculty.
Honors Thesis
ACCT 493 - Smith, Joey
Development of and production of an Honors Thesis. Students are responsible for arranging for a thesis sponsor from among Accounting and Finance faculty.
Fall 2024▲
See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.
Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100 - Fafatas, Stephan
An introduction to accounting for both internal and external purposes. Students cover the fundamental principles of financial accounting (external) and an introduction to how companies process financial information in order to disclose it to the public. The course also investigates how managers prepare information for internal purposes (managerial accounting). Financial accounting is guided by external requirements, while managerial accounting generally is not.
Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100 - Irani, Afshad
An introduction to accounting for both internal and external purposes. Students cover the fundamental principles of financial accounting (external) and an introduction to how companies process financial information in order to disclose it to the public. The course also investigates how managers prepare information for internal purposes (managerial accounting). Financial accounting is guided by external requirements, while managerial accounting generally is not.
Corporate Financial Reporting
ACCT 231 - Boylan, Scott
An examination of the principles of financial accounting applied to financial statement presentation and the underlying treatment of cash versus accrual accounting, present-value analysis, earnings per share, investments, and equity.
Accounting Information Systems
ACCT 310 - Larson, Keri
An introduction to the information systems used in accounting, including the flow of data from source documents through the accounting cycle into reports for decision makers; the principle of internal control; flowcharting and systems narratives; and use of computers and database systems in accounting information. Students have hands-on experience implementing and using accounting information systems.
Strategic Cost Management and Analysis
ACCT 330 - Tanlu, Lloyd
This course focuses on the use of cost information in planning and control decisions. Topics include budgeting, performance evaluation, and alternative ways to measure costs to meet different management objectives.
Intermediate Financial Reporting I
ACCT 332 - Brockbank, Bryan
An examination of the principles of financial accounting by gathering evidence through the accounting research process as well as exploring revenue recognition, cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and property, plant, and equipment.
Intermediate Financial Reporting II
ACCT 333 - Reid, Colin
An examination of financial reporting issues that cover operating and long-term liabilities, income taxes, pensions, leases, and cash flows. The course also continues using the Accounting Standards Codification to explore accounting questions.
Individual Income Taxation & Financial Planning
ACCT 358 - Rajsky, Iguehi
This course focuses on the tax and non-tax factors to consider when managing personal/family financial affairs. Topics include tax-subsidized savings and investment vehicles, deductions, and credits for individuals and families, executive compensation and fringe benefits, real estate ownership, and intergenerational giving.
Directed Individual Study: Accelerated Topics in Financial Reporting and Data Analysis
ACCT 401B - Boylan, Scott
The objective is to permit students to follow a course of directed study in some field of accounting not presented in other courses, or to emphasize a particular field of interest.
Directed Individual Study
ACCT 403 - Reid, Colin
The objective is to permit students to follow a course of directed study in some field of accounting not presented in other courses, or to emphasize a particular field of interest. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.
Honors Thesis
ACCT 493 - Bassiouny, Aliaa
Development of and production of an Honors Thesis. Students are responsible for arranging for a thesis sponsor from among Accounting and Finance faculty.
Honors Thesis
ACCT 493 - Tanlu, Lloyd
Development of and production of an Honors Thesis. Students are responsible for arranging for a thesis sponsor from among Accounting and Finance faculty.
Honors Thesis
ACCT 493 - Irani, Afshad
Development of and production of an Honors Thesis. Students are responsible for arranging for a thesis sponsor from among Accounting and Finance faculty.
Honors Thesis
ACCT 493 - Smith, Joey
Development of and production of an Honors Thesis. Students are responsible for arranging for a thesis sponsor from among Accounting and Finance faculty.