College Mini Grants Funding for course enhancements
The Dean of the College invites proposals from College Faculty for mini-grants for the WINTER TERM 2025. Budgetary constraints require a competitive process. No one faculty member will be funded for more than one mini-grant per term. Mini-grants will be competitive this year and priority will be given to those who have not previously been funded.
Mini-Grants are for Course Enhancements
Proposals of up to $750 for enhancements to specific departmental or interdisciplinary program courses to be taught in WINTER TERM 2025 will be considered. The number of proposals your department or program may submit depends on the # of full-time faculty (for departments) or the # of courses offered in the Winter (for programs). Please budget modestly; the smaller each individual request, the more requests we can grant. All mini-grant expenses must be in accord with Business Office guidelines.
Mini-Grants Submission Deadlines
Faculty: Using the attached proposal form, submit your Mini-Grant proposal to your dept./program head for endorsement by December 3, 2024.
Dept./program heads: Operating under the constraints listed below, submit proposals from your dept./program to Michelle Rothenberger (mrothenberger@wlu.edu) by December 10, 2024. If submitting multiple proposals from your dept./program, please rank in order of priority and provide a brief explanation.
1 mini-grant proposal Depts. with 4-5 FT members or Programs with 1-2 courses
2 mini-grant proposals Depts. with 6-10 FT members or Programs w/ 3-14 courses
3 mini-grant proposals Depts. with 11+ FT members or Programs with 15+ courses
Please contact Fred LaRiviere (larivieref@wlu.edu or x8746) with any questions.
DUE TO YOUR DEPT HEAD BY December 3, 2024 . Due in the Dean's Office by December 10, 2024
_________I have never received a mini-grant from the College.
_________I have received a single mini-grant, in ___________ (term, year).
_________I have received two or more mini-grants, most recently in _____________.
Department or Program _____________________________________
Course Number and Title _______________________________________________
Instructor __________________________________________
Term _______________________
Requested Enhancement _____________________________________________________________________________________
Rationale ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Attach budget (provide as much detail as possible; actual costs are preferred to estimates)
Instructor Signature
Department or Program Chair Signature