How to Earn a Wellness Token for Environmental Wellbeing

The Live Well W&L program offers employees a health insurance premium discount when they earn  the required number of "tokens" for participating in specific activities. "Essential tokens" are earned through activities directly related to your medical health. "Holistic tokens" can be earned in categories more broadly related to wellbeing, including "Environmental Wellbeing."

Visit the "Rewards" page on the LiveWell  website and click on the "Environmental Wellbeing" tile. You will see options for activities that reduce waste, boost cleaner transportation, and support local food and tree planting. Choose something from the list and document your activity to get credit toward your Live Well points!

If earning your token in Environmental Wellbeing inspires questions, suggestions or the desire to share what you learned with other, please email We'd love to learn from your feedback and share your story!