Live Well W&L

8th Annual Live Well W&L 5K Fun Run/Walk

April 24, 2025, at 10 AM on Cannan Green (rain date: April 25)
Want to join the 5K as a walker, runner, or volunteer? Visit the Live Well W&L 5K page for details and registration.

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About Live Well W&L

W&L Live Well logoThe Washington and Lee University employee wellness program, Live Well W&L, is dedicated to fostering a culture of holistic wellness. Our program aims to:

  • Create a culture of holistic wellness within the university community.
  • Encourage and support well-being by providing comprehensive programming.
  • Provide education, tools and resources to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Live Well W&L programming includes prevention plus six holistic areas of wellbeing: emotional, financial, physical, social, intellectual and environmental. The program is offered at no cost to benefit-eligible employees and their spouses/domestic partners.

Programming and Events

Throughout the year, Live Well W&L offers a variety of programming to support your wellness journey. Stay informed about upcoming events through:

  • "What's New?" and "LiveWell Events" below,
  • Campus Notices, and
  • HR's Programs and Events page.

Rewards for Participation

Live Well W&L provides incentives for active participation, including a generous monthly health insurance premium discount for participants on the W&L health insurance plan or a Main Street Lexington gift certificate for those who are not. A detailed chart of incentive rewards is available below.

Join us in creating a healthier, happier community at Washington and Lee!

Incentive Rewards Chart

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What's New?

LiveWell Events