"University Housing" refers to ALL University-owned housing facilities, including Gaines, Graham-Lees, Woods Creek Apartments, the Village, theme, and fraternity/sorority houses.
Click here for fall 2024 housing selection details and timeline.
Click the "+" to expand each term.
Fall 2024
Fall Term Housing Details Fall term housing opens for first-year students on August 24 and upper-division students on August 30. Please see important university housing dates and details below and plan accordingly. These important dates and deadlines have implications for housing operations and other campus partners.
Fall Term Housing Timeline
Monday, July 1, 2024 - Early Arrival Request Opens
Fall athletes and students involved in other organizations or essential campus work may be pre-approved for early arrival and do not need to fill out an individual request. Check with your coach and/or advisor to determine if you are on a pre-approved early arrival list shared with the Office of Residence Life.
All other requests are considered on a case-by-case basis for extenuating circumstances only. Please plan your travels according to the move-in dates below. Approved students will have their accounts billed $50/night.
Monday, July 22, 2024 - Early Arrival Request Deadline
This is the last date to request early arrival for fall term. Requests after this date will not be considered. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for extenuating circumstances only. Plan according to the move-in dates below. Approved students will have their accounts billed $50/night.
Friday, August 23, 2024 - Room Freeze Begins
Three-week room freeze period. Requests will not be considered for housing reassignments.
Saturday, August 24, 2024 - Class of 2028 (First-Year) Move-In Day Only
All first-year students must move in by this date during the communicated timeframe. Please continue to check your WLU email for updates regarding move-in preparations and instructions. Fall athletes may be pre-approved to arrive earlier than this date - please check with your coach and/or advisor if you have an earlier move-in date approved by the Office of Residence Life.
First-year students please discuss meal options with your class dean, leading edge trip advisors, and/or RA.
Friday, August 30, 2024 - Upper-Division Student Move-In
Housing reopens for all upper-division students this date (beginning as early as midnight). There will be a check-in table at the Office of Public Safety on August 30th and 31st. Students will receive an email in August with more information about check-in. All UD students are required to check-in and receive a room key. Students arriving after the check-in station is closed or after August 31st must check-in with and retrieve their key from Public Safety dispatch.
Marketplace (D-Hall) will be the only open dining venue; meal plans are not active this date. Meal plans will activate, and other dining venues will open beginning August 31st. Please see the dining services website for more information.
Friday, September 13, 2024 - Damage Report Form Deadline
All students will receive an email early September about completing the Damage Report Form. Students wishing to report any damages to their living space, beyond that of normal wear and tear, must complete the Damage Form via eRezLife with any supporting photographs. Students who do not meet this deadline waive their right to contest any damages at check-out and may be responsible for paying damage charges.
Friday, September 13, 2024 - Room Freeze Ends
Students may request housing reassignment on or after this date.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - Winter Housing Application Opens
Students returning from fall abroad or needing winter term housing must complete the winter housing application. Students may list their preferences for housing or body-for-body swaps with other individuals. Preferences are considered, not guaranteed. Housing assignments are based on availability with priority going to sophomores and juniors.
Thursday, October 10 & Friday, October 11, 2024 - Reading Days/Fall Break
Housing remains open. Students departing campus over break are encouraged to clean their room, take out trash/recyclables, unplug appliances (except the fridge), turn off lights, and secure all doors/windows.
Monday, November 4, 2024 - Winter Housing Application Deadline
Students returning from fall abroad or needing winter term housing must complete the winter housing application. Students may list their preferences for housing or body-for-body swaps with other individuals. Preferences are considered, not guaranteed. Housing assignments are based on availability with priority going to sophomores and juniors.
Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for extenuating circumstances only. Plan according to the winter break closing date/time below. Approved students will have their accounts billed $50/night.
Monday, November 25 through Friday, November 29, 2024 - Thanksgiving Break (No Classes)
Housing remains open. Students departing campus over break are encouraged to clean their room, take out trash/recyclables, unplug appliances (except the fridge), turn off lights, and secure all doors/windows.
University services are limited. For specific hours and services offered during Thanksgiving break, contact departments/offices directly.
Monday, December 2, 2024 - Room Freeze Begins
This is the last date to request room reassignment for the fall term. Requests will not be considered after this date.
This is the last date to request an extended stay for winter break. Requests after this date will not be considered. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, for extenuating circumstances only. Plan according to the winter break closing date/time below. Approved students will have their accounts billed $50/night.
Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. - Housing CLOSES for Winter Break
All students must vacate housing at this time and will receive a winter checklist. Avoid fees by following the checklist for health, safety, and energy reduction reasons. Contact your CA/RA for more information about winter checklists and closing guidelines.
Students returning for winter term may leave personal belongings in their room. Please take all essentials (clothing, medication, toiletries, etc.). Students are not permitted to re-enter housing after closing.
Students not returning for the winter term must vacate housing by this date. To avoid fees, please remove all personal belongings, follow the winter checklist, complete the check-out portion of your RCR, and return the room key to a drop-off location (Commons 3rd floor or Public Safety).
Winter break extended stays may be approved case-by-case for extenuating circumstances only. You must complete an extended stay request via eRezLife. The extended stay request will open on November 4 and close on December 2, 2024. We will not consider submissions received after the deadline. Approved requests will have their student accounts charged a $50/night fee.
Please note that University services are extremely limited during winter break. Contact departments/offices directly for hours and services offered during the winter break period.
Winter/Spring 2025
Winter term housing opens Saturday, January 4, 2025, with classes beginning Thursday, January 9.
Students living on campus during the fall term and who register for courses/are returning on-campus winter term must plan according to the below timeline (fall 2024 closing and winter/spring 2025 opening as well as extended stay and early arrival request information).
Readmitted students or students returning to campus from being abroad must complete the winter housing application via eRezLife which opens Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
Applicants may list their preferences for housing, including any body-for-body swaps with individuals going abroad winter term, on the application. The Office of Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to assign students anywhere on campus; however, strong consideration is given to student preferences. Assignments are ultimately made based on availability. Priority is given to sophomores and juniors who need to fulfill the residency requirement.
Students will receive regular communication via WLU about the winter term housing application and assignment process.
The winter term housing application closes Monday, November 4, 2024.
Those approved for winter term housing may move in on January 4, 2025. Room keys will be available in Public Safety and swipe access will be activated on this date. Please see the below timeline for more information including details about early arrival requests.
Spring Housing Details
Spring term at Washington and Lee University is a period where students take one course during the term. This term period applies to the 3-year residency requirement. There are specific circumstances and requirements under which Washington and Lee Students can live on-campus during this period. Spring term housing is covered under the current room fee if a student has lived on-campus for at least the fall or winter term.
Students living on campus winter term and who register for courses/are returning on-campus spring term must plan according to the timeline below (winter/spring 2025).
Readmitted students or students returning to campus from being abroad must complete the spring housing application via eRezLife which opens on Monday, March 3, 2025.
Applicants may list their preferences for housing, including body-for-body swaps with individuals going abroad in the spring term, on the application. The Office of Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to assign students anywhere on campus; however, strong consideration is given to student preferences. Assignments are ultimately made based on availability. Priority is given to sophomores and juniors who need to fulfill the residency requirement.
Students will receive regular communication via WLU about the spring term housing application and assignment process.
The spring term housing application closes Monday, April 7, 2025.
Those approved for spring term housing may move in on Saturday, April 26, 2025. Room keys will be available in Public Safety and swipe access will be activated on this date. Please see the timeline below for more information including details about early arrival requests.
Students who are on-campus for the winter term and are registered for a completely off-campus or abroad spring term course must vacate housing at the end of the winter term. Students may not store personal belongings on campus while they are not on campus. See the timeline below. Exceptions may be made for students who need to remain on-campus until their trip departure. Please contact housing@wlu.edu.
Students who have registered for spring option and wish to remain in campus housing during spring term must meet at least one of the following requirements:
On-campus essential employment. Supervisor verification is required through Student Employment.
Local or on-campus internship or assistantship (i.e., helping a professor with research, or interning with a local organization). Advisor/supervisor verification is required.
Other extenuating circumstances with prior approval from Residence Life.
If you meet one of the criteria above, you may complete the "spring option housing" form via eRezLife beginning Monday, February 3, 2025. The form closes on Monday, March 10, 2025. The Office of Housing & Residence Life will review and respond to all requests shortly after receipt.
Winter/Spring Housing Timeline
Saturday, January 4, 2025 - Housing Re-Opens for all Undergraduate Students
This opening date includes new winter term arrivals, readmitted students, and students returning from fall term abroad.
Students needing to return early for athletics, certain leadership positions, and/or for extenuating circumstances may be pre-approved for an earlier arrival date. Please check with your coach and/or organizational advisor. All other students with early arrival requests must submit via eRezLife and are only reviewed case-by-case for extenuating circumstances. The early arrival request will open on November 4 and close on December 2, 2024. We will not consider submissions received after this deadline. Approved requests will have their student accounts charged a $50/night fee.
Monday, February 3, 2025 - Room Freeze Ends
Students may request housing reassignment on or after this date.
Monday, February 3, 2025 - Spring Option Housing Form Opens
Students who spring option and intend to remain in campus housing for spring term must meet certain requirements and fill out the spring option form on eRezLife.
The spring option housing form deadline is Monday, March 10, 2025.
Monday, February 24, 2025, to Friday, February 28, 2025 - Feb/Washington Break (No Classes)
Housing remains open. Students traveling from campus are encouraged to clean their room, take out trash/recyclables, unplug appliances (except the fridge), turn off lights, and secure all doors/windows.
Monday, March 3, 2025 - Spring Housing Application Opens
Students returning from winter abroad or needing spring term housing must complete the spring housing application via eRezLife. Students may list their preferences for housing or body-for-body swaps with other individuals. While we do our best to meet student preferences, assignments are made based on availability.
Monday, March 10, 2025 - Spring Option Housing Form Closes
Requests will not be considered after this date.
Friday, April 7, 2025 - Spring Housing Application Closes
Saturday, April 19, 2025 to Sunday, April 27, 2025 - Spring Break (No Classes)
Housing remains open. Students traveling from campus are encouraged to clean their room, take out trash/recyclables, unplug appliances (except the fridge), turn off lights, and secure all doors/windows.
University services are limited-contact departments/offices for hours and services offered during the break period.
Students returning for spring term may leave personal belongings (take-home essentials) in the room.
Students not returning for the spring term must remove all personal belongings, follow the "Closing Checklist," and return the room key to a drop-off location by no later than Sunday, April 20, 2025, to avoid cleaning or unreturned key fees. This date is non-negotiable as we must prepare vacant spaces for students returning from winter abroad.
Students arriving on campus from winter abroad may move in no earlier than Saturday, April 26, 2025. Keys will be available for pick-up in Public Safety, and swipe access will be activated this day.
Sunday, May 25 at 5:00 p.m. - Housing Closes for Undergraduates
All students, except for graduating seniors and approved extended stays, must vacate housing at this time. Students will receive closing information at the beginning of May. Avoid item removal, cleaning, and unreturned key fees by following the "Closing Checklist ."Students who need to remain in their spring assignment until they can transition to on-campus summer housing must submit an extended stay request. Please click "Summer 2025" below for more information about Summer housing.
Graduating seniors or approved extended stays not transitioning to summer housing will need to vacate spring housing by no later than Saturday, May 31, 2025. Follow the closing checklist to avoid fees.
Students must submit all extended stay requests via eRezLife and are only reviewed case-by-case for extenuating circumstances. The extended stay request will open on April 21 and close on May 16, 2025. We will not consider submissions received after this deadline. Approved requests will have their student accounts charged a $50/night fee. Extended stays will not be approved to watch friends graduate (unless they are an immediate family members) or store personal belongings until off-campus leases begin. These are not examples of extenuating circumstances as they can be planned for and avoided.
Summer 2025
Coming Soon
Questions about housing dates, early arrival, or extended stay requests? Email housing@wlu.edu.