National and Online Resources
The Gay and Lesbian National Hotline: 1.888.THE.GLNH (1.888-843-4564)
The GLBT National Youth Talkline (through age 25): 800-246-7743
National AIDS Hotline: 800-342-AIDS
Education Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network http://www.GLSEN.org
Matthew Shepard Foundation: Resource for LGBTQ Youth http://www.matthewsplace.com
Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center www.lyric.org
Healthy BodiesSafer Sex (A comprehensive guide to safer sex, relationships, and reproductive health for trans or non-binary people and their partners https://annabenbrook.com/myportfolio/booklet
News and Current Events
The Advocate-- The national gay & lesbian news magazine Internet site www.advocate.com
Here Media http://www.heremedia.com/
Law Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund http://www.lambdalegal.org
Human Rights Human Rights Campaign (HRC) http://www.hrc.org
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation www.glaad.org
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force www.thetaskforce.org
International Foundation for Gender Education http://www.ifge.org
Intersex Society of North America http://www.isna.org
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) http://www.pflag.org
Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere www.colage.org
Religion Soulforce www.soulforce.org
DignityUSA: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Catholics www.dignityusa.org
Metropolitan Community Churches www.mccchurch.org
Affirmation International (Gay & Lesbian Mormons) http://affirmation.org
Local Resources
Equality Virginia
HIV Testing Confidential testing at SHC 458-8401 or Rockbridge Co. Health Dept. 463-3185 Anonymous testing at Roanoke Health Department 540-857-7600
Building a Positive GLBTQ Community