University Initiatives on Alcohol and Other Drugs
Incident System for Individuals
NOTE: This policy includes the use of illegal drugs. Conviction of possession/use of illegal drugs within any residence hall may result in removal from the residence hall without refund.
- Conviction of an alcohol /drug violation (other than DUI) of Virginia State Alcohol/Drug Laws in the city of Lexington/Rockbridge County
- Violation of the University residential alcohol/drug policies
- Misconduct that violates University alcohol/drug policies
- Drunkenness, when it results in behavior that draws attention to or endangers self or others
- Students who are deemed an “accessory” to violations may be held accountable for “conduct unbecoming to a W&L student”
Possible Sanctions
First Incident: Handled administratively
(drug distribution handled on a case by case basis)
- Mandatory education and counseling; fine and/or community service
- Parents notified
- Period of probation from date of incident
Second Incident: Within 1 year of the 1st incident
- To be reviewed by the SJC
- Mandatory education and counseling; plus fine and/or community service
- Sanction, up to and including suspension for a full term
- Parents notified
Third Incident: Within 1 year of the 2nd incident
- To be reviewed by the SJC
- Sanction up to and including dismissal; fine and/or community service
- Mandatory education and counseling for those not dismissed
- Parents notified
Student Organization Incident
Violations of University policy or Commonwealth of Virginia law are handled by the IFC, Panhellenic, NPHC, or SJC (non-Greek organizations) on a case by case basis. Refer to the Student Handbook.
Possible sanctions may include:
- A monetary fine.
- The payment of restitution for property damage.
- Specific task(s) related to the nature of the misconduct.
- Educational programming.
- Community service on or off campus.
- Removal from University housing.
- Limitations or cessation of the recruitment and/or initiation of new members.
- Conduct Probation - A formal warning that additional misconduct may result in more severe penalties.
- Suspension - length can be for the remainder of a term, a full term, or multiple terms. Suspension results in separation from the University roles and if a respondent desires to return, the respondent must apply for and be readmitted or reinstated consistent with University procedures.
- Dismissal from the University and ineligibility to apply for readmission.
- Social Probation - prohibits all social events sponsored by or for the chapter, regardless of location. (IFC sanction)
- Critical Probation - prohibits all activities at chapter house by those that are not residents. Excludes meal times and weekly meetings. (IFC sanction)
Hazing violates both University policy and the Commonwealth of Virginia law. All cases of hazing are handled by the appropriate judicial body on a case by case basis.