Faculty and Staff Information
- Am I a mandatory reporter?
- What are the responsibilities of a mandatory reporter?
- What to do when a student shares a report with you
- Resources and options if you have experienced misconduct
Am I a mandatory reporter?
The following employees are mandatory reporters and are required to share information related to reports of sexual misconduct with the Title IX Coordinator or Assistant Title IX Coordinator (note: the employees noted with an asterisk are considered "authorized employees" as they have the authority to institute corrective measures regarding complaints of sexual misconduct and a report to one of those individuals constitutes actual notice to the University of a report of sexual misconduct):
- Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Title IX Coordinator(s)*
- Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students*
- Assistant Dean of Law Student Affairs, Community and Belonging*
- Provost*
- Associate Provost*
- Dean of the School of Law*
- Associate Dean of the School of Law*
- Dean of the College*
- Associate Deans of the College*
- Dean of the Williams School*
- Associate Dean of the Williams School*
- Vice President for Finance/Treasurer*
- Director of Athletes*
- Director of Public Safety*
- Assistant/Associate Director of Public Safety*
- Associate and Assistant Athletic Directors
- Athletic Team Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Athletic Trainers
- Directors of Legal Clinics
- Officers of Public Safety
- Faculty and staff accompanying students on off-campus, university-related trips
- Undergraduate Faculty Department and Program Chairs
- Resident Advisers and Community Assistants
- Assistant and Associate Deans of Students
- Associate Director of International Education
- Director of Student Activities
- Director of Outdoor Education and Recreation
- Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Student Engagement
- Assistant Dean, Office of Career Strategy, Law School
- Dean for Career and Professional Development
- Director of Leadership Development and Student Engagement
- Shepherd Program - Associate Director and Assistant Directors
- Chief Technology Officer
- Executive Director of Facilities
What are the responsibilities of a mandatory reporter?
A mandatory reporter must report alleged sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, sexual exploitation, stalking, dating or domestic violence, nonconsensual sexual penetration, and nonconsensual sexual contact. If sexual misconduct is reported or witnessed by you, you must report it. The report must contain all the known relevant details shared about the alleged incident. This includes, if known:
- Individual who experienced the alleged conduct (Complainant);
- Name of the alleged perpetrator (Respondent);
- Date, time and location of the incident;
- Description of what happened using the reporting students' words as much as possible;
- Any other individuals involved in the alleged conduct.
Upon receipt of the report, the Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the Complainant, if known, to offer support and to inform them of their resources and resolution options.
What to do when a student shares that they have experienced sexual misconduct
Faculty and staff are not expected to take on the role of counselor. However, the following information can help you provide appropriate assistance to students who reach out to you.
- Inform the student of your reporting obligations. If possible, gently interrupt the student before details of the incident are disclosed and inform them that while your conversation will be private, it will not be confidential, as you are required to report any information disclosed to you.
"I am happy to listen to whatever you wish to share with me. But before you share, I would like to let you know that I am required to report any incidents of sexual misconduct with the University, specifically the Title IX Coordinator Lauren Kozak. It is her responsibility to know about incidents of sexual misconduct in order to support students and coordinate possible next steps. If you are going to tell me something that I have to report and are not ready to report, you may want to speak with someone who can keep information confidential instead. I am more than happy to connect you with a confidential resource."
- Listen without judgment and offer your support. Avoid making statements or asking questions which place blame or judgment on the student. You do not need to ask any questions about details of the incident at all as you are not the investigator and do not need to determine whether a policy violation occurred. Instead, you can listen and support..
"I'm sorry that this happened. I appreciate you telling me and would like to help. Is there anything I can do that would be most helpful to you right now?"
- Assess the student's immediate safety and medical needs. If any immediate needs are present, contact Public Safety or the Student Health Center.
- Inform them of help available on-campus. Encourage them to contact Public Safety by calling 540-457-8999, the Title IX Coordinator at 540-458-4055, or contact a counselor in the Counseling Center at 540-458-8590. Offer to assist the student if they need help making these calls.
- Let them know you are required to report the incident. And reassure the student that the decision of how to proceed next will belong to them to the extent allowed by law and University Policy.
"I need to report that this incident occurred. The Title IX Coordinator will send you an email asking if you would be willing to talk with her about your options, resources, and any concerns or needs you may have. The University takes all reports very seriously and needs to make sure you're safe and supported. Talking with the Title IX Coordinator does not mean that you will be required to proceed with a formal investigation in every case."
- Report the incident. To report the incident you should contact Lauren Kozak, Title IX Coordinator, at (540) 458-4055. You can also use the online reporting form. Please provide as much information as you have, including your name and the names of the complainant and respondent. You may skip any portion of the form for which you do not have information.
What happens after you have made a report? A Title IX Coordinator will assess the information you have provided and will take appropriate action. You do not need to take further action, except if you learn of new and/or related information, please follow up with the Title IX Coordinator.
Key Points to Remember
- Report all allegations disclosed to you whether or not they occur on campus.
- Do not promise confidentiality. You are not able to keep information confidential. Instead, offer privacy and discretion.
- Do not attempt to investigate, mediate the situation between the involved parties, or confront the alleged perpetrator.
- Do not use judgmental language when taking the report.
- If you are unsure about what or whether to report, contact the Title IX Coordinator.
Resources and options if you have experienced sexual misconduct
You have a right to a workplace free from sexual misconduct. You can contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Assistant Title IX Coordinator with concerns related to harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex. These concerns could be against a student, employee, or a guest or visitor to campus. This sexual misconduct resources website includes information about resources in the community that may be helpful for you.