Russian Course Offerings

Fall 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Elementary Russian I

RUSS 111 - Rubina, Iuliia (Yulia)

A basic course in Russian which includes the spoken language, fundamental grammar and reading.

Intermediate Russian I

RUSS 261 - Rubina, Iuliia (Yulia)

Continuation of RUSS 112 with some attention to Russian literature and culture.

Advanced Russian I

RUSS 301 - Rubina, Iuliia (Yulia)

Speaking, reading and writing of Russian with increased attention to Russian literature and advanced grammar.

Topics in Russian Literature: Authoritarian Leaders of Russia

RUSS 395E - Brodsky, Anna

The course will address the personality cults of three Russian leaders – Lenin, Stalin, and Putin. Students will learn about the ways these leaders’ cults were constructed in films, songs, and poems.  Students will also read works by authors who resisted authoritarianism, such as Evgenia Ginsburg, Anna Politkovskaya, and Svetlana Alexievich.

Spring 2024

We do not offer any courses this term.

Winter 2024

See complete information about these courses in the course offerings database. For more information about a specific course, including course type, schedule and location, click on its title.

Elementary Russian II

RUSS 112 - Rubina, Iuliia (Yulia)

A basic course in Russian which includes the spoken language, fundamental grammar and reading.

Intermediate Russian II

RUSS 262 - Rubina, Iuliia (Yulia)

Continuation of RUSS 261 with some attention to Russian literature and culture.

Advanced Russian II

RUSS 302 - Rubina, Iuliia (Yulia)

A continuation of RUSS 301.

Topics in Russian Literature: Russian Propaganda from 1917-2024

RUSS 395D - Brodsky, Anna

This course provides an exploration of Russian and Soviet propaganda, spanning from the days of the 1917 Russian Revolution to the contemporary era of Putin's rule. The course examines poetry, songs, films, and newspaper articles and provides a perspective on how Soviet and Russian propaganda has been disseminated through various cultural forms.