The Stanley D. and Nikki Waxberg Professorship Mark E. Rush

The Stanley D. and Nikki Waxberg Professorship was established by action of the Washington and Lee Board of Trustees in 2008 in recognition of the philanthropy of Mr. Waxberg as expressed through a generous testamentary gift. The Trustees in honoring this legacy to Washington and Lee University will designate the endowment to support a distinguished professor who is an accomplished scholar and an exceptional teacher. The Waxberg Professor may be bestowed on any member of the University's faculty deserving of this high honor when it is available, regardless of the department or school. This professorship is managed by the Provost in consultation with the academic deans and the President and appointed with the approval of the University's Board of Trustees.
Current Stanley D. and Nikki Waxberg Professor:
Mark. E. Rush, Professor of Politics and Law
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University (1990)
M.A., Johns Hopkins University (1988)
A.B., Harvard (1983)