SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Awards
The W&L community is invited to submit nominations for the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) faculty awards. SCHEV annually makes competitive awards for faculty in three categories:
- Outstanding Faculty
- Rising Stars, and
- Teaching with Technology
W&L is allowed to nominate a total of three in categories (1) and (3) combined and one in category (2). Your nomination should describe briefly how the nominee meets the SCHEV criteria which include a record of superior accomplishment in four areas:
- Teaching
- Discovery
- Integration of knowledge, and
- Service
Since many faculty members excel in these four areas, successful candidates usually have innovative approaches to their work as well an extraordinary level of overall accomplishment in all four areas. Please send your nominations to the Provost's Office at anytime but no later than start of fall term. This early call for nominations will give the candidates selected to represent W&L an early start on the application process which is quite time-consuming. More information on this award program, its requirements and benefits and also a list of W&L past winners may be seen here.