Harry E. and Mary Jayne W. Redenbaugh Term Professorship Lisa Greer

The Harry E. and Mary Jayne W. Redenbaugh Term Professorship, established in 2008 by Mary Jayne Redenbaugh in honor and memory of Harry E. Redenbaugh, Class of 1939A, is a permanently endowed fund at Washington and Lee University providing support for a faculty member without regard to department in the College or the Williams School. This award recognizes a professor for a fixed term, normally three years, and is administered by the Provost or her/his designee in consultation with the appropriate academic deans.
Current Harry E. And Mary Jayne W. Redenbaugh Professor:
Lisa Greer, Professor of Earth and Environmental Geoscience
Ph.D., Marine Geology and Geophysics, University of Miami-RSMAS, 2001
B.A., Geology, The Colorado College, 1993