Faculty Affairs Created by the University Faculty, September 12, 2018
The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) is a faculty-only committee that serves as a forum for matters of interest to the faculty. It identifies concerns of the faculty and conveys these concerns to the faculty and to other appropriate parts of the university. Individual members of the faculty may propose topics for consideration by the committee and may also address the committee directly.
The FAC meets at least once per month during the academic year and may convene itself, call special assemblies of the faculty for consideration of university-related issues, communicate directly with the faculty as a whole, and place items on the agenda of faculty meetings. A portion of time will be set aside during each FAC meeting for comments from any member of the faculty. The FAC may make recommendations to the faculty, which may take the form of motions on which faculty vote at University Faculty meetings.
In consultation with the faculty, the FAC will review its charge and composition at least every three years and bring any recommendations for changes to the faculty for a vote.
Committee Members
Jenefer Davies, Chair 2024-2025
Nine Faculty Members - Three College (C) Faculty, Two Williams School (WS) Faculty, Two Law (LS) Faculty, and One At-Large (AL) Faculty, elected, and one appointed At-Large (AL) member. The usual term of service for all members and alternates is three years:
Beth Belmont (LS)
Professor of Law
July 2024-June 2027
George Bent (C)
The Sidney Gause Childress Professor of Art History
July 2023-June 2026
Seth Cantey (WS)
Assoc. Prof. of Politics
July 2022-June 2025
Andi Coulter (WS)
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
July 2024-June 2027
Jenefer Davies (C)
Professor of Dance and Theater
July 2023-June 2026
Julie Kane (C)
Assoc. Prof., University Library
July 2022-June 2025
Tim MacDonnell (LS)
Clinical Professor of Law
July 2024-June 2027
Eric Moffa (C)
Associate Professor of Education Studies
July 2024-June 2027
Two alternates determined from runners-up in the respective elections:
- Howard Pickett (C), Professor, Poverty and Human Capability Studies 2024-2027
- Robin Le Blanc, (WS), Professor, Politics, 2024-2027
Committee Composition
Members of the FAC serve for three-year staggered terms. FAC members will elect a FAC chair annually; the FAC Chair may serve for no more than two consecutive years. Membership to the committee will be determined as follows:
- Two members elected by and from the Law School Faculty
- Two members elected by and from the Williams School Faculty
- Three members elected by and from the College Faculty
- One member elected at-large by and from the entire University Faculty
- One at-large member appointed by the elected members of the FAC from the entire University Faculty. When making that appointment, FAC should consider, in no particular order:
- Diversity in race/ethnicity, gender, and/or rank;
- Diversity in representation from university divisions, departments, and/or programs;
- Results from the at-large election
- Four alternates (one each from the College, Williams School, and Law School faculties and one at-large by and from the entire University Faculty)
The election of members of the FAC will be regulated by the Secretary of the Faculty to ensure that at no time will there be more than one member of any undergraduate department at any rank on the committee excepting alternates, whether or not currently serving actively.
Election is to proceed according to the Faculty Handbook, with additional stipulations as follows:
- Anyone with a faculty appointment is eligible to stand for election, except the President and direct reports to the President; the Provost and the Associate or Assistant Provosts; and the Academic Deans and their Associate or Assistant Deans; the director of the Shepherd Consortium; the director of international education; and the director of the Shepherd Program. The Secretary will publish a list of those eligible for each election. Those ineligible because of department overlap with current members, or recent membership on the committee, will not be on the ballot.
- Members and alternates of the Advisory Committee, the Faculty Administrators Evaluation Committee, and the Faculty Review Committee are eligible to stand for election to FAC but may not serve concurrently on the FAC.
- A lapse of one year is required between terms for members who have served actively for three consecutive years on the FAC.
- Rank and department must be listed on the election eligibility roster and on all ballot iterations.
- Current membership of the FAC (along with each member's rank, department, and term) must be listed explicitly (not by electronic link) at the top of all ballot iterations.
- Election of at-large members will take place after the election of divisional members.
- Staggered three-year terms will be maintained on a cycle of electing and/or appointing three members every year.
- After the three Divisional elections, plus the At‐Large election, are complete, the first runner-up in each of the elections will be designated as an alternate. Alternates will serve for three-year terms. An alternate will serve if a member is on leave, or cannot complete a term for some other reason. In the event that an alternate who is needed to serve is in the same department as an FAC member, the Secretary of the Faculty will hold a special election of eligible faculty in the respective division to fill that position. In the event that an alternate for the At-Large position who is needed to serve is in the same division as the other seated At-Large member, the Secretary of the Faculty will hold a special election of eligible University Faculty to fill that position.