George Bent Sidney Gause Childress Professor in the Arts

Wilson Hall 3020
Curriculum Vitae
Stanford University
Ph.D., History of Art; 1993.
Dissertation: "S. Maria degli Angeli and the Arts: Patronage, Production and Practice in a Trecento Florentine Monastery"
M.A., History of Art; 1988
Oberlin College
B.A., Highest Honors in History; 1985.
Honors Thesis: "National Socialism and the Austrian Anschluss"
Bent teaches courses on Medieval and Renaissance Art and Architectural history, with a specialization on the visual culture of Italy. His research interests revolve around Florentine painting, manuscript illuminations at the end of the fourteenth century, and the digital reconstruction of early modern architecture using LiDAR scanners to produce point clouds of structures. These themes feature prominently in the courses he teaches at W&L.
Selected Publications
- Book: Public Paintingand Visual Culture in Early Republican Florence (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016).
- Book: Monastic Art in Lorenzo Monaco's Florence: Painting and Patronage in Santa Maria degli Angeli, 1300-1415 (Lewiston, NY, 2006).
- Book: Early Renaissance Art (Boulder, 2002).
- Book: with Charles Minott, Gothic Art (Boulder, 2002).
- "Andrea di Bonaiuto," "Giovanni del Biondo," "Bonamico Buffalmacco," and "Master of the Legend of Saint Francis," in Encyclopedia of Medieval Italy (Garland Publishers, New York), 2004.
- "A Patron for Lorenzo Monaco's Uffizi Coronation of the Virgin," Art Bulletin 82 (2000), 348-54.
- "Late Gothic Art in Italy," The Art Historian, vol. I, CD-ROM textbook (Reindeer publishers, 1996).
- "The Early Renaissance," The Art Historian, vol. II, CD-ROM textbook (Reindeer publishers, 1996).
- "The Scriptorium at S. Maria degli Angeli and Fourteenth-Century Manuscript Illumination: Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci, Don Lorenzo Monaco, and Giovanni del Biondo," Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 55 (1992), 507-523.
- "Painted Crucifix," Master of the Corsi Crucifix. Allen Memorial Art Museum Catalog, forthcoming.
- "Martyrdom of St. Lawrence," Maestro delle vitae Imperatorum. Allen Memorial Art Museum Catalog, forthcoming.
- Review: John Richards, Altichiero: An Artist and His Patrons in the Italian Trecento, in Renaissance Quarterly LIV (Autumn, 2001), 942-43.
- Review: Hayden B.J. Maginnis, The World of the Early Sienese Painter, in CAA. Reviews (http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/maginnis2.html).
- Review: Mary Hollingsworth, Patronage in Renaissance Italy: From 1400 to the Early Sixteenth Century, in Renaissance Quarterly 51 (1998).
- Review: Norman. Land, The Viewer as Poet: The Renaissance Response to Art , in SECAC Review 13 (1996), 61-63.