CBL Transportation Program
The use of a CBL rental vehicle or bike to travel to your volunteer or service-learning site is a privilege and extends only to community service. First priority will be given to those students requesting transportation for Community-Based Learning courses. Requests for reserving a vehicle are to be submitted at least one week in advance. Personal use is strictly prohibited. All travel locations must be at least one mile away from the campus unless special accommodations are needed. A limited number of vehicles are available for use, so sign-ups are on a first-come-first-serve basis. Before reserving a vehicle, please check if Public Safety is traveling to your location via their local shuttles.
Steps to Reserve a CBL Vehicle
1. If you have not done so this academic year, you must complete Public Safety's Standard Passenger Vehicle Driver Training & Certification.
2. Sign up for a meeting with Judy Repair, Administrative Assistant of Community-Based Learning, to review our transportation policies and reserve a vehicle. This is a requirement for all students, regardless of whether or not they used the CBL Transportation Hub in previous semesters. Reservation meetings must be made AT LEAST 24 hours in advance of when you need a vehicle. No meetings are conducted on weekends.
3. In anticipation of the meeting, please review CBL's Transportation Policies, which you will be asked to sign and agree to at your reservation meeting.