What Happens When I Resign?

Your W&L network credentials will be deactivated the evening of your last day of employment.

W&L Email Access

As a courtesy to those leaving the university to pursue a new opportunity, we allow continued access to your W&L email account for 30 days. The account will be disabled 30 days after your last day of employment

  • Mail forwarding will not be possible.
  • You may want to change any email subscriptions manually, by contacting the sender directly.
  • You should change any/all accounts (e.g., bank, streaming services, etc.) that use your W&L email as your primary contact.
  • You should consider saving/exporting any contacts that would be useful in the future.
  • If you would like to retain email access for 30 days past your day of separation, complete the form found at this link prior to your last day of employment.

Box Access

On day zero, post employment, you will lose access to Box. It is recommended that you proactively move all data that you own from Box prior to your last day of employment. One way to accomplish this is to set up a personal Box account and move your data from your W&L Box account to your new personal Box account.

Once your access expires (day zero), you will receive a password protected link that allows you to download all your data. The new location does NOT have to be a personal Box account. The link will expire 7 days from receipt.

How do I move my data to a personal Box account prior to my last day of employment?

1. Set up a personal Box account using a NON-W&L personal email.
2. Go to MyApps and log into your W&L Box account.
3. Check the folder you'd like to share with your personal Box, then click "Invite People."
picture of a BOx folder checked and red box around "invite people" link.
4. Enter the email address of your personal Box account, select "Invite as Co-owner" then click "Send."
screenshot of "invite as co-ower" link with email address box for entering the invited person and a button to click send
5. In your personal Box account, accept the Collaborator Invitation as Co-owner.
6. From your W&L Box account, select the folder you've shared. Click the three dot ellipsis next to your personal account name. Change your personal account from Co-owner to Owner
screenshot of Box window of folder owners. Three dot ellipsis highlighted in red and "owner" link highlighted in red
7. Click "Okay" in the pop up box to make your personal account the new Owner of the folder.
screenshot that says: Change Item Owner. By making this collaborator the folder owner, you become an Editor and no longer own the folder. This collaborator may also have a different service plan which can result in the loss of certain collaboration features. Any collaborators who have been added directly to this folder will see it in their root folders. Any collaborators who have been added at the parent-folder lever or above will no longer be collaborators. Do you want to continue. A botton says Okay.

IMPORTANT: All folders/documents of yours that need to be kept for future business use at W&L should be moved to a shared folder (e.g., Box Service Folder, Department Folder, Dean's Folder, etc.). Please note that beginning on day zero post employment, files stored in a folder you don't own cannot be downloaded using the password protected link referenced above.

  • Should you need future access to files associated with ongoing research or partnerships with W&L faculty or staff, contact your department head or supervisor to determine if access through a Box Collaborators link would be appropriate.

Canvas & YuJa Access

  • You can export a Canvas course to give to someone in another Canvas account, to upload to another institution's account at a later date, or to create a copy as a backup on your local computer. You can import an export file into Canvas at any time. Instructions for exporting a Canvas course can be found here.
    • Canvas allows grades and assignment submissions to be exported, but only tool by tool and assignment by assignment (meaning it will take a considerable amount of time).
  • YuJa will allow you to download your media either individually, or in bulk.

Licensed Software Access

On day zero, post employment, you will lose access to all W&L sponsored/licensed software. This includes all Microsoft Office 365 applications, and all Adobe products, including data/files stored in the Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online:  You will no longer have a W&L ArcGIS Pro license or be able to use ArcGIS Pro. In addition, you will be unable to log into your WLU ArcGIS Online user account. To learn more about managing your ArcGIS content prior to leaving W&L, as well as transferring ownership, please see the ArcGIS information page on the Research Computing website.

Keeper Password Manager Access

On day zero, post employement, you will lose access to your W&L Keeper business account. If you manage department level login access to specific applications/software, devices and/or other critical services with a Keeper business account, you must transfer login access to your supervisor or designee prior to your last day of employment. Contact the ITS Helpdesk at help@wlu.edu if you have questions related to transitioning your Keeper account.

  • Important: If you've set up login access to personal accounts (e.g., bank accounts, social media, Gmail, etc.) using the Keeper business solution (*not recommended*), you will need to transition those accounts to a Personal Keeper account before your last day of employment. 

Workday Delegations

  • Employees: If someone has delegated Workday tasks to you, please remind them to reassign those tasks before you depart. You may view delegations assigned to you from someone else by typing in View My Delegation Assignments in the search bar.
  • Supervisors: If the employee has delegations set up in Workday, please work with them to ensure those delegations are reassigned before they depart so that tasks route to the appropriate individual. Also check tasks you have delegated to the departing employee. You can view your delegations by typing in My Delegations in the search bar at the top and then click on the Manage Delegations button to reassign them.

Need Help or Have Questions?

Contact the ITS Helpdesk in Leyburn Library at (540) 458-4357 (HELP) or send an email with your request to help@wlu.edu.