Workplace Harassment Prevention

Students, faculty, and staff at Washington and Lee University have the right to work and study in an environment that is free from prohibited discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation. Not only is harassment illegal - it is also disruptive to the kind of workplace we all want to be part of. All members of the campus community play a part in discouraging, responding to and preventing the types of misconduct prohibited by the University Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Other Than Sex and the Interim Sexual Discrimination and Misconduct Policy (recommended reading before taking the online course outlined below).

All employees outside of student health and counseling are encouraged to report sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking. Certain employees, designated as "mandatory reporters," are required to report sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking under University policy and applicable law.  For more information on reporting requirements and contact information:

An individual affected by sexual misconduct, whether as a complainant or a respondent has access to support resources. Lauren Kozak, Title IX Coordinator, is located in the Elrod Commons and her phone number is 540-458-4055. Information on other resources is available at

The On-Line Course through United Educators

All employees must complete an on-line course, "Workplace Harassment Prevention - Faculty and Staff" within 31 days of employment. Department Heads and managers must complete an additional course,"Workplace Harassment Prevention - Supervisors".  The examples and scenarios used in these courses are specifically designed for colleges and universities and cover the complex issues surrounding harassment in an academic workplace. The courses remind us all of the importance of recognizing and preventing unlawful harassment in the workplace and of the standards of civility that have made W&L what it is today. 

We ask that you complete the following courses:

  • Workplace Harassment Prevention - Faculty and Staff (20 minutes)
  • Workplace Harassment Prevention - Supervisors (20 minutes) - if appropriate

To begin training, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Complete the Registration form.

a.  Enter your first name, last name, and email address
b.  Create and confirm your password
c.  Select your language
d.  Enter the following branch code: 700-89940
e.  Review and accept the Privacy Policy

3. Click Next
4. Complete the training.  You will receive a confirmation email upon successful completion of each course. 

Need Help?

If you have issues accessing the course visit the United Educators' Support Site at