Campus Resources and Contact Information Where Do I Turn?
Washington and Lee is committed to creating a safe campus environment where its members treat each other with civility and respect. At the same time, our goal is to provide employees and their families with resources to deal with a wide variety of concerns that might arise and to provide multiple ways that a faculty or staff member can address an issue. With that in mind, it can be difficult to determine the most appropriate resource(s) for a given situation. On this site you will find each of the resources.
Most importantly, members of the community are encouraged to report any concerns to their supervisor and/or to use the resources available to them for guidance and support. Some of the resources are confidential, some provide guidance for addressing a concern, and some take official action related to a complaint. In every case, to encourage reporting, W&L has a strong policy that prohibits retaliation against persons who make complaints. These safeguards are designed to create a safe and productive campus climate.
Human Resources
(540) 458-8920
The Office of Human Resources helps both employees and managers with all matters related to the workplace. Human Resources staff are available for private and confidential consultations at any time. People often have questions such as:
- "Do I have a valid issue or complaint?"
- "How do I go about resolving the matter myself?"
- "What should I say and how should I say it?"
- "What if my initial attempt fails?"
Please feel free to contact the Office of Human Resources with questions and concerns. Issues rarely resolve themselves, and early attempts at resolution are often productive. HR can connect faculty and staff to other external resources when appropriate.
Carilion Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
(800) 992-1931
The EAP is a free, confidential service provided by Washington and Lee to assist employees and their family concerns or problems. These can include but are not limited to stress management, substance abuse, depression, anger, anxiety and grief both at work and at home. This program is completely confidential. W&L does not know who uses the benefit or what is discussed.
Discrimination Policy Advisors (DPAs)
Lauren Kozak, Title IX Coordinator and Director of Disability Resources
(540) 458-4055
The DPAs are a group of 15-20 faculty and staff, representing a cross section of the campus community. DPAs provide procedural information and options to complainants and respondents regarding complaints by or against faculty, staff or other non-student members of the W&L community under the University Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation. DPAs can also work informally to resolve matters themselves or bring in others to assist with informal resolution. Confidential and Impartial Resources (CAIRS) provide the same service for students.
All members of the W&L community are encouraged to report possible criminal misconduct and other improper activities such as fraudulent or dishonest conduct to their supervisor/department head. W&L supervisors and department heads are required to report any concerns brought to them, and any situations in which they suspect improper activities, to their vice president, the relevant dean, or the provost.
Health Advocate
(866) 695-8622
Health Advocate is an advocacy and assistance company available to help navigate the complexities of the health care and health insurance systems. All benefit-eligible employees, spouses or domestic partners, dependent children, parents and parents-in-law can use this free service.
Environmental Health and Safety
Michael Jennings, Director
(540) 458-8175
W&L is committed to reducing the risks to its students, employees and visitors. Employees should immediately report any concerns about unsafe health, safety or environmental conditions to their supervisor, a member of the safety committee or the director of environmental health and safety.
Emergency Management
(540) 462-5277
W&L takes great pride in being a community of trust and care for one another. W&L and the city of Lexington, however, are not immune from emergencies. Information about how we communicate in the event of minor or major emergencies,a summary of the University's Emergency Management Plan and other details about how the University responds in the event of an emergency can be found on the Emergency Management website.
Public Safety
Alex Rabar, Interim Director
(540) 458-8427
The Office of Public Safety promotes a safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors to the University. This requires the cooperation, understanding and support of every member of our community. If you are concerned about something you've seen, please report it as soon as possible. If you wish to make an anonymous report you can use the online report form at