About the Global Discovery Laboratories
The Global Discovery Laboratories (GDL) are a display of an intricate array of practices using technology to reach the world which serve the following functions:
- A facility where innovative teaching resources can be created and used to encourage solicited interaction with other localities
- A facility that promotes the study of geography, ecology, and the environment
- A facility that assists in better understanding other civilizations and political systems
- A facility that simplifies the gathering of information for successful research
- A facility that harnesses the expertise and resources created by scholars worldwide
The Laboratories
In order to achieve these anticipated functions and the stated mission and to guarantee an enriching program pedagogically, the GDL has its Support Center for the development of faculty teaching resources; its Global Exploration Laboratory where students grasp and implement skills necessary to compete in a newly formed global society; its Global Communications Laboratory where language and culture awareness become ingrained for the purpose of world bonding; and its Global Connections Laboratory where societies come together for greater understanding of public policies and the human condition.