Protest and Demonstration Policy
Policy Statement
As set forth in W&L's Statement Concerning Political Activity:
W&L is a long-time proponent of freedom of expression, and adopted the Chicago Statement affirming freedom of expression in December 2015. W&L is unwavering in its commitment to the free and open debate of competing ideas.
W&L also is committed to providing a safe and secure learning and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors on all campus properties.
This policy applies to all students, faculty, and employees, as well as anyone else on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by Washington and Lee University.
W&L has rules of conduct for those members of its campus community who wish to engage in peaceful protest or demonstration ("Protestors"):
- Protestors shall remain peaceful, and refrain from harassment, intimidation, vandalism, assault, battery, or other unlawful conduct.
- Students, faculty, and staff having any legitimate reason to enter a campus building or space shall be able to freely do so. Protestors shall not impede such movement or obstruct:
- individuals or vehicles moving legally near the protest or demonstration;
- travel through sidewalks, walkways, crosswalks, driveways, roads, entrances or exits, hallways, doorways, bridges, or other locations used for or to get to or from campus buildings, classrooms, offices, residence halls, dining halls, and any other campus spaces.
3. Protestors shall engage in activity that is safe for participants, and does not create health, safety, or security issues.
4. Protestors must obtain an Amplified Sound Permit from the City of Lexington and approval through the Student Affairs Event Registration Process to use speakers, bullhorns, or any other sound amplifying devices on W&L owned or controlled properties.
5. Protestors must obtain approval through the Student Affairs Event Registration Process for signage, promotional displays, chalk use, and before passing out flyers or similar materials to individuals who consent to receive them. Protestors shall not alter the integrity and aesthetics of campus or property owned or controlled by W&L, and shall refrain from:
- attaching materials, including but not limited to stickers, flyers, pictures, banners, signs, or other materials, on areas or surfaces not designated for posting such as trees, columns, walls, building exteriors, lampposts, bollards, railings, trashcans, fences, bicycle racks, and windows;
- using paint, ink, spray, adhesives, or markers on sidewalks, walkways, brick, slate, other stone surfaces, buildings, or other structures of any kind;
- projecting light, lasers, or images onto campus, W&L buildings or property.
6. Generally, facilities and groundworkers will remove Student Organization program or related displays as they upkeep the grounds and, at a minimum, on a weekly basis, but postings that are unlawful (ex. contain threats, obscenity, or copyright or trademark violations) or violate University Policy, may be removed at any time.
7. Protestors may not expressly state or imply that their activities are supported or endorsed in any way by W&L. Protestors should make clear that the views expressed are those of the Protestors, not W&L.
Violation of this Policy may result in removal from campus, arrest, disciplinary action up to and including suspension or dismissal from the University or termination of employment. Violations should be reported to the Director of Public Safety.
Protestors are subject to all University policies and guidelines, and should review related policies, guidelines, and resources such as:
Statement Concerning Political Activity
Weapons and Prohibited Items Policy
University Chapel Use Guidelines
Revision History
This policy has not yet been revised.