Weapons and Prohibited Items Policy
Policy Statement
Washington and Lee University is committed to providing a safe and secure learning and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors on all campus properties.
This policy applies to all students, faculty, and staff employees, as well as anyone else on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by Washington and Lee University.
Washington and Lee University is committed to providing a safe and secure learning and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors on all campus properties. The use, possession, and storage of all firearms, components of firearms, live ammunition, blowguns, BB guns, air guns, instruments designed or intended to propel a bullet, cartridge, or other object of any kind, stun weapons, explosives, machetes, electric shock devices, knives (except pocket knives having a folding metal blade of less than three inches) or other dangerous articles, or items that could be used as weapons, including but not limited to sticks, torches, clubs, poles, swords, shields, or rigid signs that can be used as a shield, body-armor, helmets and other garments, such as military or athletic protective gear, that alone or in combination could be reasonably construed as weapons, are prohibited on all properties owned, leased or otherwise controlled by Washington and Lee University. Law enforcement officers duly authorized to carry such instruments are excepted. Tents, structures, enclosures, and shelters of any kind are prohibited, as well as camping or sleeping on any properties owned, leased or otherwise controlled by Washington and Lee University, except in connection with activities approved by Student Affairs. Open flames or items designed to maintain an open flame also are prohibited, unless they are approved in advance by the Director or Associate Director of Public Safety or fall within the following categories:
- Religious ceremonies: Open flames used in University-sanctioned religious and spiritual ceremonies.
- University Catering: Open flames used in food heating devices (e.g., Sterno heaters, tea lights, etc.) used by University Catering.
- University Laboratories and Classrooms: Open flames used in laboratory buildings for experiments and research, under the supervision of a Professor or Lab Instructor.
- Maintenance: Open flames used in "hot works" by qualified and authorized maintenance workers or other University-sanctioned construction or maintenance projects.
- Theatrical Productions: Open flames used in University-sanctioned theatrical or artistic productions.
- Bonfires and grills: Open flames in University-provided grills and fire pits.
Any person violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or dismissal from the University or termination of employment. Student violations should be reported to the Director of Public Safety and the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Staff and faculty violations should be reported to the Director of Public Safety and the Executive Director of Human Resources. Any other suspected violations should be reported to the Director of Public Safety.
Revision History