Fitness Center
The Washington and Lee University Fitness Center was reconfigured and renovated as part of the Richard L. Duchossois Athletic and Recreation Center project that was completed in the fall of 2020 at a cost of nearly 48 million dollars. The Fitness Center is a nearly 9,000 square foot facility that features floor space for free weights, strength and cardio equipment. The renovation allowed for a dedicated strength and conditioning area and PLAE resilient flooring throughout the facility. The space is equipped with cardio machines, Body Masters strength equipment, a full line of dumbbells and strength equipment, stability balls, exercise tubing, and medicine balls.
Please visit the W&L Fitness Center Guide website for a comprehensive look at the space.
The following groups have access to the fitness center:
- W&L University undergraduate students
- W&L University Law students
- W&L employees
- Guest Access Passes are available to:
- W&L Employee and Law student spouse / partner
- Employee dependent, college age or younger
- W&L retirees and their spouse/ domestic partner
- W&L alumni living in Rockbridge County
Guest access passes can be obtained during regular business hours in the Athletic Department main office.
The DARC and Fitness Center are accessible from the 3rd floor / campus level Washington Street entrance.
From the upper level of the parking deck, the DARC is accessible by swipe access to the 1st floor. In absence of a University ID or Guest Access pass, call Public Safety (540-458-8999) or the Fitness Center desk attendant (540-458-8966) for assistance with entry via the first floor. The elevator is straight ahead down the hallway.
Weather Guidelines
In cases of extreme weather:
- If the University delays opening, we will open at the time announced
- If the University then closes, the decision to open the Fitness Center will be based on weather conditions and the availability of staffing
- Knowing that the University usually calls for delay/ closing after we open, in cases of forecasted extreme weather we will plan on opening at 830 am. If the University then delays we will follow that guideline
- On weekends the decision to delay opening or close entirely will be based on weather conditions, safety recommendations and availability of staff
Every effort will be made to inform the W&L community in a timely manner. For updates, please check our twitter page: @wluFitCenter or call the front desk at 540-458-8966.
Locker Rooms
3rd floor PE locker rooms, including showers, are available. Lockers are for day use only and can not be reserved.
Faculty/Staff locker rooms are on the 2nd floor. Contact Debbie Brown ( for information and lock check-out.