The W&L Promise
The W&L Promise is part of Washington and Lee's strategic initiative to make the distinctive W&L experience affordable to qualified students.
The W&L Promise guarantees a minimum grant of tuition to any undergraduate student admitted to Washington and Lee with a total family income below $150,000 and assets typical for their income. Furthermore, based on demonstrated need, students may be eligible for additional grant to cover room, board and other educational expenses. Transfer students are also eligible for the W&L Promise.
Washington and Lee always meets the full demonstrated financial need for any admitted student using a combination of grants, scholarships, and student employment, regardless of the family level of income.
In determining students' demonstrated need, Washington and Lee will continue its practice of undertaking a careful and personal assessment of each family's income and assets with the assistance of the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE from the College Board. Applicants who wish to be considered for the W&L Promise or any university funded need-based assistance at W&L must complete an application for university need-based grant by the deadline associated with their admissions application. Full details regarding the application process and deadlines can be found at How to Apply.
How do I apply and qualify for the W&L Promise?
Applicants must submit a complete institutional need-based grant application including the CSS Profile, parent and student federal tax returns, and non-custodial information if applicable. The evaluation of the application will determine if the student will qualify for the W&L Promise.
What constitutes "family income?"
Family income is a combination of all available income sources as determined by the financial aid evaluation. Family income may include the adjusted gross income (AGI), untaxed income, income imputed from assets, living allowances and relevant employer benefits, and income from a non-custodial parent, if applicable. When family assets exceed levels typical for their income then portions of the assets may be considered in the evaluation as part of the total income.
What will I receive if I qualify for the W&L Promise?
Students who qualify for the W&L Promise will receive, at minimum, a grant equal to the full cost of tuition at W&L. In addition, families who qualify for the W&L Promise will also receive total financial aid offers consisting of grant and work-study, which, in combination, with the W&L Promise, will meet their full demonstrated need.
Read more W&L Promise FAQs.