Summer Internship Opportunities

Internships provide valuable experience and allow you to see a wide range of applications for your geoscience background. 

Every summer students head out to participate in environmental, conservation, energy finance, energy exploration, and other internships with organizations, companies, and the government. These experiences make you aware of the real-life applications of the geosciences as well as give you contacts that will help with your next steps.

GSA has a helpful page for internships tips and more, under Career Resources, here. Check in with the Administrative Assistant to see if an alum works at any of the places that have internships you are interested in. This Box folder has the 2023 Summer Research and Internships presentation.

A. Paul Knight Internship Program in Conservation
Alaska Conservation Foundation Internships  

Geoscience on public lands
GeoCorps America 
Bureau of Land Management   

Resources for the Future Summer Internships in Environmental Policy
American Geoscience Institute Geoscience Policy Internship

Many aspects of geoscience
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

GZA Environmental: Look for Engineer/Scientist Summer Internship in the Job Opportunities list
EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.: scroll down to Current Students

Energy analysis, consulting, and development  

Advanced Resources International, LLC  
Apex Clean Energy
Common Energy (look on internship search sites for their internships)
Heelstone Renewable Energy, LLC
Independent Project Analysis  
National Renewable Energy Laboratory 
Volt Energy (minority-owned)
DOE Scholars Program 

Energy finance
Jefferies Financial Services

Sites that list internships by industry
Geothermal Resources Council

Other opportunities
World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WOOFF)

Read about past internship experience here.