Temporary Impairments
Temporary impairments such as broken bones, concussions, short-term illnesses, and recovery from surgery are generally not regarded as disabilities. However, we recognize that they can be very disruptive and impact your ability to fully participate in your classes. Although a temporary impairment/injury does not usually qualify as a disability, Disability Resources, Student Health and Counseling, and your class dean will work as a team to provide aid and temporary adjustments as needed.
Regardless of the situation, it is very important that you communicate with all concerned, including your instructors and academic advisor, as soon as possible.
Absences/Deadline Extensions/Exam Postponement
If you need to miss class due to a temporary impairment (such as an illness), you should work directly with your instructors to discuss whether the absence may be excused and to make up any missed work. Disability Resources and Student Health and Counseling do not provide adjustments solely to excuse a student from class.
If you need an extension on an assignment or to post-pone an exam due to a temporary impairment, you can reach out to Student Health and Counseling to evaluate that request. Upon the recommendation of the medical/counseling staff at Student Health and Counseling (SH&C), an academic associate dean or the Director of Disability Resources may grant a student a short-term course-related academic adjustment(s) for a specified length of time (usually 1-3 days). This will be emailed to your instructors.
Academic Adjustments
Injuries to a hand or arm may require assistance with note-taking, test-taking, and typing. Additionally, concussions may cause difficulties with focus and concentration or difficulty reading print material. When this is the case, first meet with your instructors to discuss how you might address these obstacles. You may also contact Disability Resources to request and obtain a letter listing any approved adjustments.
To obtain an adjustment letter from Disability Resources you will need to submit documentation of the impairment. The documentation must be recent enough to describe how the impairment currently affects you.
Documentation must be provided by a treating physician and include:
- description of the impairment
- onset, nature, estimated duration and severity of the impairment
- any adverse side effects caused by medication
- recommended adjustments to accommodate the individual’s impairment
Submit documentation to:
Lauren Kozak
Title IX Coordinator and Director of Disability Resources
204 W. Washington St.
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
Navigating Campus
We understand that while our campus is beautiful, our location can pose considerable challenges for those with temporary mobility impairments.
Public Safety can assist students with transport to campus. If you need assistance, please contact Public Safety, (540) 458-8999, twenty to thirty minutes before you need transport.
If it is determined that a scooter, motorized wheelchair, or a golf cart would be helpful in assisting you to get around campus, you will need to speak with your health provider for authorization and your insurance carrier regarding payment. Washington and Lee does not provide these personal mobility devices to students. You will be responsible for obtaining a device and any payment associated with it. Locally, Lexington Prescription Center has medical equipment for rent or purchase and Valley View Golf Carts has golf carts for rent.
If you wish to bring a golf cart to campus, you will need to have a request approved through Disability Resources. If approved, you will need to complete online vehicle safety training provided by Public Safety. The online process can be found at University Driver Training.
Contact the Director of Disability Resources to inquire about options to move the location of any class that is difficult for you to access (i.e., has stairs, or is a lengthy walk from a previous classroom).
If you need a change in your housing assignment due to an impairment, contact the Director of Disability Resources or the Director of Residence Life to discuss alternative housing options.