International Student Orientation Answers for newly admitted students related to International Student Orientation and arriving at W&L.

1. How can I get to the university from the airport?

Airport shuttles from Dulles International Airport (IAD) will be provided to transport you to campus. You will receive an email from Hunter Swanson regarding the process and further details. In addition, affordable university shuttle services are provided from Lexington to Roanoke Airport and the Washington, DC area over university breaks and at the end of terms. Many international students utilize the university shuttle services.

2. Where will I live?

All first years will live in one of the two first year residence halls. First-year students should receive information about residence hall assignments from the Office of Residential Life. If you have a roommate, you will be given that person's contact information so that you can introduce yourself this summer. All exchange students will be living in the Global Service House.

3. How do I purchase a mobile plan? 

All international students will get a free Mint Mobile SIM card from their Orientation Leader when they arrive at the airport for International Student Orientation. Mint Mobile is a good option for international students as it offers a 15$/month package with unlimited phone calls, texts and 4MB internet. There are also different plans and providers for different needs. Here is a link with a list of cheap phone plans.

4. Can I ask current students about student life?

Yes, you will be assigned a New International Student Mentor based on similar interests over the summer. Your International Student Mentor can answer questions related to student life and the student experience at W&L and will also help you adjust to campus life during your first term. 

5. What general topics will be covered during international student orientation?

The international student orientation program will cover common aspects of academic and student life at W&L. In addition, you will have the opportunity to take care of logistical concerns, such as setting up a mailing address, opening a bank account, and shopping for needed items. You will also meet international orientation leaders, faculty, and staff who you will regularly interact with during your time at W&L. Last but not least, you will also participate in fun activities to help you connect with each other and your orientation leaders! 

6. What happens if my flight is delayed or cancelled?

If your flight is delayed or cancelled, please notify Hunter Swanson. We will make sure you are picked-up at the airport when you are able to arrive and transport you to campus to begin your international student orientation program.

7. What is the weather like in Lexington?

In late August, when you arrrive the weather is quite warm and sunny. You can expect daily high temperatures to average 30 degrees celsius. Please bring warm-weather clothing and an umbrella or rain jacket in case it rains. During winter, the temperature may drop to -3 degrees celcius and go up to 14 degrees celcius. During spring, the temperature may average to 21 degrees celcius.

8. Can I buy personal and school supplies?

You will have the opportunity to shop for personal and school supplies at Walmart the day after you arrive. You will also be able to order items online and have them delivered to the campus Mail Services for pick-up.